All clubs at mvjce actively participate in intercollegiate festivals,
promoting team spirit, originally and hard work.



“DynaMech” the departmental club promotes activities of co-curricular & extracurricular nature that are aimed to provide a platform to stimulate interests, that augment classroom knowledge. Lectures by expert speakers form both industry & academia are organised.

Periodically Seminars, Workshop and Conferences as well as Quiz, Debate & design competitions are organized with the dual motives of bringing in the latest developments to the students directly from experts , and also to bring about industry-academia interaction. FurthersStudents chapter of Institute of Engineers is operational. In order to make students Industry ready, specialized training modules in CAD, CAM, CAE is provided through finishing School – CADAM (Centre for Advanced Design & manufacturing) in Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis tools. In order to inculcate innovation & hands-on approaches to design, manufacture, assembly & testing, students are encouraged to be part of forum that trigger innovations, such as Go kart, SAE- BAHA & Robotics.

Events Report