What is education? Does it extend beyond the giving and receiving
of information, skills and knowledge?


The Definition Of Education

Dr. M V Jayaraman

Founder, MVJ Group of Institutions

Dr. M V Jayaraman, the esteemed founder of MVJ College of Engineering, was a multifaceted personality embodying the essence of education in its truest form. With a profound understanding of the transformative power of learning, Dr. Jayaraman established the Venkatesha Education Society in 1970, laying the foundation for what would become an illustrious educational institution.

Driven by his visionary spirit, Dr. Jayaraman began with the establishment of a Teacher Training College, envisioning a holistic approach to education that transcended traditional boundaries. As the institution grew, so did his aspirations, leading to the establishment of MVJ College of Engineering and a diverse array of educational offerings spanning Engineering, Medicine, Management, Teacher Training, Nursing, and Primary and Secondary Education.

Dr. Jayaraman’s commitment to excellence and innovation in education was unparalleled. He believed in nurturing not just academic prowess but also inculcating values of integrity, leadership, and social responsibility in students. His vision was to create a nurturing environment where students could explore their potential, engage in critical thinking, and emerge as well-rounded individuals prepared to face the challenges of the modern world.

Today, MVJ College of Engineering stands as a testament to Dr. Jayaraman’s enduring legacy, providing a platform for students to pursue their academic aspirations and realize their dreams. His vision continues to guide the institution, inspiring generations of students, educators, and leaders to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on society.

MVJ Group of Institutions