E-FORZA club activity on “3D DESIGN CHALLENGE”

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized E-FORZA club activity on “3D DESIGN CHALLENGE” under Robotics and Industrial Automation Laboratory. In this competition, students had to design and prove their endurance in a design of 3D model using their software designed from scratch. This was conducted and coordinated by Mr. L. David William Raj (AP/ECE) and Dr. Subhradip Mukherjee (AP/ECE). 37 students from Various departments 2nd, 4th and 6th Year participated in this workshop. The program was started at 8.30 AM on 22nd June 2024. 

The chief guest for the program was Ms. Litty Jose, Scientist/Engineer SF, ISRO, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. She was welcomed by Dr. Sajithra Varun S, HOD-ECE, MVJCE.