Guest Lecture on “Basics of 3D printing ( Additive Manufacturing Technology)”

The Department of Chemistry, MVJCE has organized a Guest lecture on 14.12.2024 for the first semester students of Chemistry cycle held at Dr. M.V Jayaraman Auditorium at  10:40 A.M.

Date of the Event14.12.2024
Title of the Event Basics of 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing Technology )
Guest SpeakerJoint Director DRDO ,Bangalore
Organized by (Department name)Chemistry Department
Name of Department event coordinatorsDr.Preethi.G (Assistant Professor and HOD)Mrs. Swati Lal (Assistant Professor)

Dr.T.Ram Prabhu presented a guest lecture on “Basics of 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing Technology)”  on 14 th December 2024 at Dr. M.V Jayaraman Auditorium. In the programme about 480 students participated.  The lecture was focused on introducing first year students with the concept of “Basics of 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing Technology)”.