Guest Lecture on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technology

The Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering organised a Guest Lecture on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technology, on 11th February 2023, at Smt. Rajalakshmi Jayaraman Seminar Hall, from 10:00 am to 12.30 pm. The Resource Speaker was Dr. T. Ram Prabhu, Director, CEMILAC, DRDO. The Lecture was organized for the 3rd Semester students of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering

30 Students from 3rd semester ME, apart from the 6 lateral entry students, 51 students from 3rd semester AE and 35 students from 3rd semester AS participated in the event. Further, 53 First year students from ‘I’ section and 56 from ‘J’ section of Aeronautical, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering also participated in the event. Thus, 231 students actively participated in the event. Miss. Kesiga, 3rd Semester student of Department of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering hosted the event.

The program was inaugurated by Prof. S. C. Gupta, Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering. He addressed the students and emphasized the need for keeping abreast of the recent advances in Manufacturing technology, for building a strong foundation for their career. He further highlighted the efforts of the college in organizing such events to equip students and help them to bridge the gap between Industry and Academia.

The inauguration was followed by the Guest Lecture by Dr. T. Ram Prabhu, Director, CEMILAC, DRDO, Bangalore, who delivered a presentation, laying emphasis on the practical importance of Manufacturing Technology in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0, in a simple sense, describes integrating technologies such as cloud computing, analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into production facilities, assembly lines and distribution centers. As these technologies advance, their impact on manufacturing and distribution will continue to revolutionize the industry, and bring a significant jump in both optimization and production capacity. The field of additive manufacturing and other smart manufacturing techniques will revolutionize the industries, in the near future.

The event was well appreciated by the students and faculty members of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering departments. The event concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Rajesh Kumar P, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and concluding remarks by Prof. Vinoth Kumar G, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Outcomes of the Event

The students and faculty appreciated the event and were able to

  • Acquire knowledge about the latest trends in Manufacturing Technology
  • Understand the practical importance of Manufacturing Technology
  • Develop the ability to acquire and apply new knowledge, as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
  • Gain the ability to appreciate and develop the skills related to recent advances in Manufacturing Technology
  • Learn to apply the concepts of Manufacturing techniques to real-time use, which will help them in future in their careers