LoRa WAN Based IOT and Image/ Video Analytics using Deep Learning was organized by the ECE and IIOT Departments, from 9th to 11th March, 2023. The Workshop received an overwhelming response, with more than 50 participants attending it. The Workshop was a combination of Lecture sessions and Hands-on demonstration sessions, on image and video analytics and LoRaWAN techniques.
The programme was presided over by Dr. P. Mahabaleshwarappa (Principal, MVJCE) and Dr. M. Brindha (Vice Principal, MVJCE). The session started at 10:30 am, with more than fifty participants including students from various departments of MVJCE.
This Workshop was designed to impart knowledge on state-of-the-art concepts of IoT and Enabling technology, and it comprised of theory as well as hands-on sessions. Eminent personalities from Industry and Academia conducted the sessions, with use–case demonstrations and research-oriented discussions which were very helpful for students to understand the processes. 50% of the sessions was devoted to applications, practical implementation and demonstrations. Topics like IOT, LoRa, Image, Video Analytics, AI and Deep learning concepts, Types of Learning, Applications of Machine Learning, Block chain applications were dealt with by experts from reputed Industries and Academic Institutions like IISc., DRDO, RNS LABS and Cargill Business Services Pvt. Ltd., with the aim of improving the understanding of this highly technical field. This will, in turn, improve the quality of students and will motivate them to take up the challenges in this interdisciplinary field.
Day 1 (9.03.2023): Session I (Inauguration Ceremony and FN Session)
The Workshop was aimed to make the participants aware and be able to work on this emerging area. The participants who attended this Workshop gained knowledge in the area of designing projects and applications, using IoT. The programme commenced on 9th March 2023, with an introductory and motivational speech by our Principal Dr. P. Mahabaleshwarappa.
Dr. P. Mahabaleshwarappa welcomed the Chief Guest Dr. Sudhan Majhi (Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore). Ms. Britney Naomi Mannas, VI Semester student from Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, MVJCE, introduced the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, and briefly introduced the Workshop to the participants. The need for organizing such programmes to enable the participants to learn about the current industrial trends was highlighted.
Day 1 (9.03.2023) Session I
The Chief Guest briefly listed out the applications of IOT in our daily life and the advantages of using the technology. The session focussed on the current connectivity network technologies, 5G, 6G applications in the field of IoT, and an insight into the current industrial trends, 6th generation communication technology. The emerging technology was elaborately explained and students were made aware of the recent evolution of Internet of everything, in support with AI and IOT.
Day 1 (9.03.2023) Session II
Mr. Ram Dayal Goyal, Founder & CEO, RNS LABS, (Corporate Consultancy, AI-ML Education, Development of AI products), Bangalore, took over the afternoon session. Ms. Britney Naomi Mannas, VI Semester student from Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, MVJCE, introduced the Chief Guest. The highlight of the session was image and video analytics. The various topics covered in the session included role of AI, machine learning, deep learning, edge computing in IoT with respect to image and video analytics. Data analytics and the importance of various algorithms in applications were also explained, with suitable examples. The session had a live video streaming of our Workshop, and the students were delighted! Students understood the future demand of the industries and the implementation of the image and video in the field of different applications of both the health as well as industrial sectors. The concepts of convolution neural networks and its related working principle, along with its importance in different IoT applications, were emphasized during the course of the session. The session ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Britney Naomi Mannas, followed by a group photo session.
Day 2 (10.03.2022) Session III
The forenoon session of the second day of the Workshop was by Ms. Manisha Sanal, Scientist ELRDE, DRDO, Bangalore. Ms. Hrithwika, III Semester student, Dept. of IIOT, introduced the Chief Guest. The session mainly focussed on the applications of image and video in the field of IoT. The interactive sessions included various activities of students such as feature extraction problems, perceptron analysis with convolution neural network experiments, and layer by layer analytics. The Speaker emphasized on the importance of video analytics and its applications with IoT that can make a huge impact in the field for data analysis and synchronization. Several practice illustration problems were given to students for them to understand the concepts of feature extraction, edge detection and filtering of data. The different convolutional layers, the pooling layer, the Rectified Linear Units, correction layer and the fully-connected layer were all illustrated with examples, and its importance to real time IoT applications with deep learning opportunities was also explained during the session. The opportunities available in DRDO for students, were also discussed during the course of the session.
Day 2 (10.03.2023) Session IV
The afternoon session of Day Two was handled by Dr. S. Sajithra Varun, Assistant Professor, Department of IIOT, MVJCE. The session focussed on various concepts on IoT, its architectural layers, importance of various layers and its practical implications. The need for LoRa and LoRaWAN and its applications was emphasized, with its advantages over communication protocols IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11. The difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and the necessity of these components in various IoT applications such as medical IoT, smart city, smart agriculture, smart home automation etc. was focussed on, with necessary examples.
Interfacing SX1278(Ra-02) LORA Module with Arduino:
The steps involved in projects such as installation of Arduino IDE in PC, LoRa Library, Transmitter and Receiver connections, uploading the code on to the board and finally wireless transmission were depicted in this session. Arduino Uno and Arduino nano were used in the transmitter and the receiver side, respectively. The input module was taken as the active low infrared sensor, and the output was displayed by using LED. First, the experiment was done using a single power bank, followed by testing the device in the Seminar Hall for long distance wireless transmission which proved the long-distance communication capability of LoRa.
Day 3 (11.03.2023) Session V
The last session of the Workshop was handled by Mr. Krishanu Mitra, Application Architect, Cargill Business Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. The session started with Ms. Britney Naomi Mannas introducing the Guest Speaker.
The enthusiastic session focussed on different case studies on the field of IoT applications, such as supply chain management system, retailing sector, smart agriculture, smart city etc. Different case studies were illustrated with real time examples and students got an idea about the current Industry requirements. The applications of LoRaWAN by using different gateways for increasing distant communication were focussed on. The Speaker gave a broad perspective of smart agriculture in different parts of the world, and how IoT has changed the entire scenario in just a few years, and the scope of future IoT applications in different verticals. Comparitive studies of various applications and the exploration of cloud computing, data analytics and the use of sensors in real time applications were the highlights of the session.
The Workshop concluded with vote of thanks by Ms. Britney Naomi Mannas and distribution of certificates to the students by the Chief Guest.
Outcome of the Event
As a result of this Workshop, the participants were able to learn about the various aspects of IoT applications, LoRaWAN usage, relevance of image and video analytics, deep learning, installation of Arduino IDE, various communication protocols, and the usage of different types of sensors. Students understood the current industrial requirements and the booming advent of IoT in various real time applications.
Students were able to realize the importance of conceptualization of societal requirements into practical implementation, by turning the inputs that they got in the Workshop into various projects and real time applications with the help of cost-effective Arduino boards. As a result, they will be able to develop twenty-five projects and ten publications from the knowledge obtained from the various fields of IoT applications.