A group of 38 students pursuing 3rd and 5th semester chemical engineering, along with two faculty has visited Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Jakkur, Bangalore. JNCASR is a renowned multidisciplinary research institute located in Bangalore, India, dedicated to advanced scientific research and education. This visit aimed to expose students to cutting-edge research, facilities, and advancements in scientific research within the field of Chemical Engineering.
Dr K Paneer Selvam, Coordinator (F&E and R&D) welcomed the students. The students were made in to two batches and were taken on comprehensive tour of various laboratories. Demonstrations and explanations of state-of-the-art equipment are provided in the morning session. Afternoon session, the students were taken to Chemical Heritage Exposition centre by Mr Vinayak Pattar, where they were made to explore the fascinating world of chemistry discoveries.
The Institution Visit to JNCASR proved to be a valuable experience for the Chemical Engineering students. Exposure to advanced research, interactive sessions, and the potential for collaboration has inspired students to pursue excellence in their academic and research endeavors. The visit not only broadened their horizons but also deepened their understanding of the practical applications of Chemical Engineering in the real world. This will provide students with continuous exposure to the latest advancements in their field and foster meaningful collaborations between academia and research institutions.