BOS meeting of ECE and IIOT department was conducted on 26th August 2023 in Placement Room from 10:30am to 1:30pm in the presence of members from academia, IISC, Alumni and Industry body with the following members: Dr. G.N. Rathna, IISc, Bangalore, Prof. Anandi Giridharan, Principal Research Scientist, IISC, Bangalore, Dr. Senthilkumar, Professor, Dept of ECE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Mr.Bejoy John (Alumni), Senior Director, GE Aviation, Bangalore, Principal Dr. V.Suresh Babu, Vice Principal Dr. Brindha M, Dr.Srinivas. L. Gombi, Dean Academics, and HOD Dr. S.Sajithra Varun.
Agenda of the Meeting:
- Welcome Address
- Approval of 2022 – UG Scheme and Syllabus (3rd to 8th Semester) Department of ECE for the academic year 2023-2024.
- Approval of 2022 – UG Scheme and Syllabus (3rd to 8th Semester) Department of IIOT for the academic year 2023-2024.
- Any other relevant point with the permission of chair.
- Feedback from Stakeholders (Academia, IISC, Industry, Alumni)
Dr. V.Suresh Babu, Principal, MVJCE addressing the Faculty members along with invited guests on 26th August 2023 at placement room
The gathering was welcomed by Prof. Sheher Banu Address and then the Principal Dr.V.Suresh Babu welcomed and shared the keen views on the importance of this meeting to all. The ability enhancement course was discussed in detail. Then the session was carried over by BOS chairman, HOD ECE department with detailed presentation of the scheme and syllabus of the academic year 2023-2024.
Dr. S.Sajithra Varun, HOD ECE Dept presenting UG Scheme and Syllabus (ECE and IIOT)
The Head of EC Department began the presentation of the overall credit distribution and then scheme of ECE was presented in parallel with the detailed syllabus for each semester. The valuable feedback was given by the stakeholder evaluating each syllabus specifically. The amalgamation of the existing subjects and introduction of new industrial oriented courses in the syllabus was discussed in detail. There was detailed discussion on consideration of Labs and the different courses. The consideration was given such that the syllabus does not overlap with the first-year courses of Basic Electronics and the Mathematics. It was also emphasized that the base of GATE subjects was present in the syllabus. The syllabus was framed with the note to provide industrial internship for a full semester at the end for the students to get industry training.
Then Prof. B. Jeeva presented the overall credit distribution and then scheme of IIOT. Here the discussion was presented only with the changes in the subjects with that of syllabus of ECE. He introduced the modified syllabus for various courses, which differed from the previous ECE curriculum.
Mr. Bejoy John, Senior Director GE Aviation, gave many valuable suggestions towards the end to inculcate courses like Edge Computing, IoT and Big Data Analytics, Predictive Modelling and Energy Management in the syllabus of IIOT in order to differentiate with the ECE syllabus.
The meeting concluded with HOD’s assurance of taking up all suggestions for improvement and finally Prof Sheher Banu of Electronics and Communication department, MVJCE presented the vote of thanks.
Chief Guests of the BoS Meeting
Outcome of the Meeting:
- Have a distinguished syllabus as per the industry requirement.
- Develop a distinguished laboratory courses with that of the integrated courses.
- Continued efforts to increase the research contributions and increase the publication through projects to students.
- To develop long-term strategic plan with well-defined goals and objectives to develop Industry-Academia Research and Development Projects with MoU with different industries.
- To utilize the infrastructural facility to keep pace with the changing needs of teaching/learning environment.
- To enhance collaborations and partnerships with reputable industries and institutions in order to bolster networked activities.