All clubs at mvjce actively participate in intercollegiate festivals,
promoting team spirit, originally and hard work.
The club “TECH-SAS” is a Technical Departmental club within the Department of Chemical Engineering. It was inaugurated on 8th November 2015 by Mr. Arjun Bhattacharya, India Technology Leader for GE Power, Bangalore. The club’s motto is to provide a platform for applying academic knowledge with a touch of innovation and fun, while also updating outdated techniques with modern chemical engineering trends. TECH-SAS organizes fun and technical events throughout the year, catering to students from different departments and semesters.
S.No | Faculty Name | Department | Designation | Phone No | E-mail ID |
1 | Dr NIKITA RAJPAL | Chemical | Assistant Professor | 84371 66112 | |
S.No | USN | Name of the Student | Sem | Department |
1 | 1MJ22CH001 | CHAITRA H J | VI | Chemical |
2 | 1MJ22CH005 | MOHAMMED JEELANI S | VI | Chemical |
3 | 1MJ23CH004 | ISHIKA KUMARI | IV | Chemical |
4 | 1MJ23CH001 | ARBIA AFREEN TALATH | IV | Chemical |
30.07.2024: Club Activity “Chem E Innovators”
06-03-2024: Club Activity “Fun with science”
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