Computer Science and

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Labs & Learning Space
Data structures and Applications Laboratory

To understand how various data structures work. To understand some important applications of various data structures. To familiarize how certain applications can benefit from the choice of data structures. To understand how the choice of data structures can lead to efficient implementations of algorithms

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:

UBUNTU with GCC Compiler

This laboratory aims to provide students a more significant opportunity to learn about analog circuits and digital circuits in a practical manner by linking theoretical ideas to various analog and digital circuits. In this laboratory, students who are just starting with analog and digital circuits will get a fundamental understanding of the underlying principles.

Students may build their own circuits using analog and digital electronic components since the lab is supplied with both types. Additionally, there are analog and digital trainer kits in the lab to provide test verification of the findings that are generated by the circuits that have been built.


  • Analog Lab kit with different study module such as transistors, Op-Amp and itsapplications,
  • TimersDigital Lab kit with different study module such as Gates, flip-flops,
  • Combinational circuits, Shift Register,
  • Analog and Digital Workbench,
  • Electricity lab kit,
  • Electricity lab kit,
  • LCR Q bridge,
  • Electronic Components,
  • Digital Gate ICs,
  • Bread Boards


Demonstrate operation of network and its management commands . Simulate and demonstrate the performance of GSM and CDMA. Implement data link layer and transport layer protocols. For the experiments below modify the topology and parameters set for the experiment and take multiple rounds of reading and analyze the results available in log files. Plot necessary graphs and conclude using any suitable tool.


NS2 is an open-source simulation tool that runs on Linux. It is a discreet event simulator targeted at networking research and provides substantial support for simulation of routing, multicast protocols and IP protocols, such as UDP, TCP, RTP and SRM over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks. Widely known as NS2, is simply an event driven simulation tool. Useful in studying the dynamic nature of communication networks. Simulation of wired as well as wireless network functions and protocols (e.g., routing algorithms, TCP, UDP) can be done using NS2. In general, NS2 provides users with a way of specifying such network protocols and simulating their corresponding behaviors.

Database Management System is an application software which is used to manage database. MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access are popular commercial DBMS software used in different software applications and database is a collection of inter-related data, DBMS helps in efficient retrieval,insertion and deletion of data from database and organizes the data in the form of tables, views, schemas, reports. This lab course also provide practical knowledge to understand advanced database concepts such as Datamining and Big-data analytics.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the image: Oracle 10g

Web Technology lab gives the introduction about the basics of designing and developing static and dynamic web pages. Familiarize with Client-Side Programming, Server-Side Programming, Active server Pages. Learn Database Connectivity to web applications.The aim is to provide students a good knowledge about the role of the web, and how it can be used as a medium for creative expression. As students develop their pages and begin to see themselves as programmers, they are encouraged to think critically about the impact of sharing information online and how to be more critical content consumers. They are also introduced to problem solving as it relates to programming, as they learn valuable skills such as debugging, commenting, and structure of language.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images: any text editor like notepad and web browser like google chrome

The Machine Learning Lab helps the students to implement the various machine learning concepts and algorithms in any suitable language of choice. It Make use of Data sets in implementing the machine learning algorithms. It also helps the students to identify and apply various Machine Learning Algorithms to solve real world problems. Students can perform various statistical analysis of machine learning techniques. Students will learn to design java or python programs for various Learning algorithms. They will also become familiar with various datasets and learn how to apply the datasets appropriately to the ML algorithms.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:

Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator is a desktop graphical user interface (GUI) included in Anaconda distribution that allows you to launch applications and easily manage conda packages, environments and channels without using command-line commands. Navigator can search for packages on Anaconda Cloud or in a local Anaconda Repository.

C is a middle-level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie during the early 1970s while working at AT&T Bell Labs in the USA. The objective of its development was in the context of the re-design of the UNIX operating system to enable it to be used on multiple computers.

  1. As a middle-level language, C combines the features of both high-level and low-level languages. It can be used for low-level programming, such as scripting for drivers and kernels and it also supports functions of high-level programming languages, such as scripting for software applications etc.
  2. C is a structured programming language which allows a complex program to be broken into simpler programs called functions. It also allows free movement of data across these functions.
  3. C is a general-purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications, games, graphics, and applications requiring calculations, etc.

The laboratory on the same will let:

  1. To introduce students to the basic knowledge of programming fundamentals of C language.
  2. To impart writing skill of C programming to the students and solving problems.
  3. To impart the concepts like looping, array, functions, pointers, file, structure.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:

The Analysis and Design of Algorithms lab gives the introduction about the basics of computational complexity analysis and various algorithm design techniques, focusing on both the underlying mathematical theory and practical considerations of efficiency. Topics include asymptotic complexity bounds, techniques of analysis, algorithmic strategies, and various algorithmic design patterns like divide and conquer, dynamic programming and greedy algorithms. It also covers major algorithms and data structures for searching and sorting, graphs, and some optimization techniques. The aim is to provide students a good knowledge with solid and strong foundations to deal with a wide variety of computational problems in the real world.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:

Eclipse IDE

Embedded System is a combination of computer hardware and programmable software which is specially designed for a particular task like displaying message on LCD. It involves hardware and software. Some real-life examples of embedded systems may involve ticketing machines, vending machines, temperature controlling unit in air conditioners etc. Microcontrollers are nothing without a program in it. One of the important parts in making an embedded system is loading the software/program we develop into the microcontroller. Usually it is called “burning software” into the controller. Before “burning a program” into a controller, we must do certain prerequisite operations with the program. This includes writing the program in assembly language or C language in a text editor like notepad, compiling the program in a compiler and finally generating the hex code from the compiled program. The µVision IDE is the easiest way for most developers to create embedded applications using the Keil development tools. The new Keil µVision4 IDE has been designed to enhance developer’s productivity, enabling faster, more efficient program development. KeilMicrovision is a free software which solves many of the main points for an embedded program developer. This software is an integrated development environment (IDE), which integrated a text editor to write programs, a compiler and it will convert your source code to hex files too.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:

The System Software Laboratory make students familiar with Lexical Analysis and Syntax Analysis phases of Compiler Design and implement programs on these phases using LEX & YACC tools using C/C++/Java. Apart from that, the lab helps students to learn different types of CPU scheduling algorithms used in operating system. The lab includes programs to implement and demonstrate Lexers and Parsers. The lab also includes programs to implement memory management – page replacement and deadlock handling algorithms. The aim is to provide students a good knowledge in various system software like Compilers and Operating Systems

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab:

The programs can be implemented using C/ C++ or Java. A Sample terminal screenshot for compiling lex program.

The Computer graphics Lab gives immense knowledge about the fundamentals of graphics concepts such as line drawing, circle generation, 2-dimensional,3-dimensional, and animation. Further, learning the working principles of different algorithms like Bresenham’s line drawing, polygon, and line clipping algorithms in computer graphics. Implementation of basic and advanced algorithms will be done in OpenGL and C/C++. The course aim is to provide a solid foundation to develop any graphics application.

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images:


Laboratory Objectives:This laboratory (18CSMP68) will enable students to

  • Learn and acquire the art of Android Programming.
  • ConfigureAndroid studio to run the applications.
  • Understand and implement Android’s User interface functions.
  • Create, modify and query on SQlite database.
  • Inspect different methods of sharing data using services


  1. The installation procedure of the Android Studio/Java software must be demonstrated and carried out in groups.
  2. Students should use the latest version of Android Studio/Java/ Kotlin to execute these programs. Diagrams given are for representational purposes only, students are expected to improvise on them.
  3. Part B programs should be developed as an application and are to be demonstrated as a mini project in a group by adding extra features or the students can also develop their application and demonstrate it as a mini-project. (Projects/programs are not limited to the list given in Part B).

Major Equipment/Software used in the Lab along with the images: