B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Advanced Communication Technology)

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Mission and Vision

Our Vision

Imparting state–of–the–art technological education with focus on Industry-aligned requirements, ethical research and human values

Our Mission

  • Professional Growth: To provide quality technological education that is supported by latest research facilities.
  • Skill Development: To offer solutions for Industry needs.
  • Research Culture: To contribute prospective, outcome–based research in relevant domains.
  • Lifelong Learning: To inculcate ethics and human values among faculty, staff and students, through the practice of various social initiatives.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Professional Development: Graduates will engage in continuous learning and professional development, staying abreast of emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in the dynamic field of communication systems.
  •  Attitude towards Lifelong Learning: Graduates will excel as professionals in the field of advanced communication systems, applying their knowledge and skills to design, develop, implement, and manage complex communication networks and technologies.
  •  Innovative Research: Graduates will demonstrate leadership and innovation in addressing challenges and advancing the state-of-the-art in communication systems, contributing to technological advancements and industry growth.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Core Competency: Graduates will be able to innovate and adapt to emerging communication technologies, staying abreast of industry trends and advancements to address evolving communication needs and challenges.
  •  Interpretation Skills: Graduates will possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, enabling them to collaborate effectively with multidisciplinary teams, communicate technical concepts clearly, and engage in professional interactions within the communication industry.