How do you help decide what is best for your child? We are here to guide you!
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Designation | Area of Interest | Yr. of Experience |
1 | Dr. M. Brindha | Professor and Vice Principal | Control System | 15 |
2 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Professor and Head of the Department | VLSI Design and Embedded System | 14 |
3 | Dr. S Kanithan | Associate Professor | Wireless Communication and Signal Processing | 11 |
4 | Dr. Ajith A S | Associate Professor | DSP and RADAR | 10 |
5 | Dr. ShimaRameshManiyath | Assistant Professor | Information Security | 9 |
6 | Dr.SowmyaSundarPattanayak | Assistant Professor | RF&Microwave | 2 |
7 | Dr. SajithraVarun | Assistant Professor | Sensor and Communication | 14 |
8 | Dr. Utsab Banerjee | Assistant Professor | Antenna Design and Wireless Communication | 4 |
9 | Dr.Madusudhan | Assistant Professor | Wireless Communication | 6 |
10 | Dr. Rajeshwari Devi | Associate Professor | Signal &Image Processing | 18 |
11 | Dr.Thilagaraj | Associate Professor | Biomedical Signal &Image Processing | 16 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount Received |
1 | Mrs. Aparna P | Self/Chargeable Smart Shoe for Blind People | KSCST | 4,000 |
2 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Setting up Centre of Excellence in Advanced Robotics and Industrial Automation | KSTePS, Under VGST scheme of KFIST Level-1 | 20,00,000 |
3 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | CSIR Sponsored 5th National Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs – Compute – Communicate/ Control Conference | CSIR | 40,000 |
4 | Mr. Bhanuteja G | All Terrain Surveillance Robot Research | VTU | 5,000 |
5 | Mr. Naeem Ahmed | Waste Segregation Management Research | VTU | 5,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount Received |
1 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | FDP on Graphical Programming and Real Time System design (2 Weeks) | AICTE | 1,92,000 |
2 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | SIPAR – Smart intelligent personal assistant robot | VTU | 5,000 |
3 | Mrs. Supriya K V | Alexa based Navigation system and smart Intelligent personal assistant robo | VTU | 5,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount Received |
1 | Mrs. Brindha M | FDP – Awareness program me on outcome based education | VTU | 3,00,000 |
2 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | 4th International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs – Compute – Communicate/ Control Conference | AICTE | 3,40,000 |
3 | Dr. S Ananthi | Setting up center of excellence in Industry IoT laboratory | AICTE | 10,50,000 |
4 | Mr. K. Murugesh | Eye movement controlled wheelchair | KSCST | 5,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount Received |
1 | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | One week FDP on Artificial Intelligence and computer vision solution for Edge Devices | CSIR | 10,000 |
2 | Dr. D.Tamilarasi, Dr. Shoaib kamal | Intelligent sun glass for visually impaired | FNIP-NIAS(IISC BANGALORE) | 1,20,000 |
3 | Mrs. Kala.H.S | Contactless Authentication Device On Palm Vein And Palm Print Fusion Biometric Technology For Post COVID World | KSCST | 7,000 |
4 | Mr. Bhanuteja G | CAMISA – A Modern Solution For COVID-19 | KSCST | 6,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount Received |
1 | Dr. S J Sugumar | Water treatment plant monitoring using IOT and Machine learning approach | VTU | 5,000 |
2 | Dr. D Tamilarasi | Artificial Intelligence Vision (AIV) For Visually Impaired | VTU | 5,000 |
3 | Ms. Varsha | AICTE Spices | 1,00,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
1 | Payal Varma | Far-Filed light imaging in the presence of atmospheric turbulence with rotating anti-phase apertures: theoretical investigation | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) | pp. 1008-1012, 2017 | Scopus |
2 | Praphul.M.N | A Survey on Coding Techniques and Intra Prediction Hardware Architecture for HEVC Video Coder Standard | Internationa Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication & Automation, ICSIPCA | pp. 1-7, 2017 | |
3 | M Irrulappan | Evaluating the performance of gps signal acquisition and tracking | 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | pp. 791-795, 2017 | Scopus |
4 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Comparative study of Predictors used in lossless image compression | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 10-13, 2017 | Google Scholar |
5 | Farha Kowser | Detection of static and dynamic obstacles for self-driving cars | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 14-16, 2017 | Google Scholar |
6 | R G Sushama | ARMOR – Smart Helmet for Alcohol Detection, Accident Detection and Notification using Internet of Things (IoT) | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 30-34, 2017 | Google Scholar |
7 | Shaik Kareemulla | Smart Mobile Attendance System for Employees Using QR Scanner | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 35-39, 2017 | Google Scholar |
8 | Gowthami | Smart autonomous multi-purpose trash picking Robot | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 40-43, 2017 | Google Scholar |
9 | Jeeva B | Drone Ambulance for Outdoor Sports | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 44-49, 2017 | Google Scholar |
10 | S G Prashanth | Nano Robots for treatment of damaged blood vessels and heart holes | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 50-52, 2017 | Google Scholar |
11 | Shivalila | Intelligent Video Surveillance System for Elderly People Living Alone Based on Video Image Processing System | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 53-57, 2017 | Google Scholar |
12 | S G Prashanth | Solar Powered Wireless Message Display Board | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 58-60, 2017 | Google Scholar |
13 | Pallavi Adake | Image Processing Based Approach to Detect Scratch Defects In Wire-Type Objects | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 61-64, 2017 | Google Scholar |
14 | Aparna Puvvadi | Charging of a Cell Phone Using Vibrations of a Drum | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 65-68, 2017 | Google Scholar |
15 | Sandeep Kumar | Smartphone’s Hotspot Security Issues and Challenges | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 69-72, 2017 | Google Scholar |
16 | Farha Kowser | A Review on Methods of Test Pattern Generation of Flash Memory | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 79-81, 2017 | Google Scholar |
17 | R Harshitha | Smart Parking: Green IoT for Smart City | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 86-90, 2017 | Google Scholar |
18 | Priyamvada Singh | Estimation of State-of-Charge (SOC) of Lithium Batteries in Electric Vehicles | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 95-103, 2017 | Google Scholar |
19 | N Ashwini | Video Stabilization and GOP – Codec Estimation | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 104-107, 2017 | Google Scholar |
20 | Meera K S | Self-Balancing Robot | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 108-112, 2017 | Google Scholar |
21 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Arti-fish-ial Robot | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 113-120, 2017 | Google Scholar |
22 | Pallavi Adake | IOT Help for Independent Living Elders | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 131-136, 2017 | Google Scholar |
23 | Jaishri Panjwani | Lane Detection using GPS-PPP and VISUAL Method | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | Vol.1, Issue. 5, pp. 137-141, 2017 | Google Scholar |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
1 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Robust & Lightweight Image Encryption Approach using public key cryptosystem | Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems, Springer | pp 63–73, 2018 | Scopus |
2 | Prakash Jadhav | Codec with Neuro-Fuzzy Motion Compensation and Multi-scale Wavelets for Quality Video Frames | Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques, Springer | pp 599–606, 2018 | Scopus |
3 | N. Aswini | Obstacle Detection in Drones Using Computer Vision Algorithm | Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, Springer | pp 104–114, 2018 | Scopus |
4 | Lakshminarayana. M | Optimized Framework for Face Recognition from Human Emotions using h-SVM Classifier | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol. 119, No. 14, pp. 87-94, 2018 | Scopus |
5 | S Ananthi | Back Lobe Suppression of a microstrip patch antenna by partial removal of ground plane | IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-2018) | pp.1-4, 2018 | Scopus |
6 | A Arun | Survey On Analysis of INS Parameters And Error Reduction By Integrating GPS and INS Signals | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 13-21, 2018 | Google Scholar |
7 | Kala.H.S | An Imperceptible Eye For The Visually Impaired Individuals Using IOT | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 26-30, 2018 | Google Scholar |
8 | Sheher Banu.S | A Survey Paper On Implementation Of Human Information Processing System In Artificial Intelligence Based Machines | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 36-41, 2018 | Google Scholar |
9 | Shwetha Pati | Accident Prevention And Detection Of Collision Using RFID Tags | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 42-44, 2018 | Google Scholar |
10 | Sheher Banu.S | Review on GPS Parameter Determination And Correction Using Kalman Filter | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 48-53, 2018 | Google Scholar |
11 | R Harshitha | Electronic Fuel Injection In Diesel Engine | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 1-6, 2018 | Google Scholar |
12 | Ambili.D.Nair | Crop Loss Remote Monitoring of the Agricultural Crop For the Possible Diseases and Early Detection to Avoid | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 60-64, 2018 | Google Scholar |
13 | Thanga Dharsni I | Cyber Security Applied In Smart Cities | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 65-69, 2018 | Google Scholar |
14 | Prakash Jadhav | Design And Fabrication of A Multitasking Agricultural Robot With Stairs Climbing Capacity | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 70-73, 2018 | Google Scholar |
15 | Meera K S | Privacy Preservation Of Medical Records Using Watermarking | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 74-81, 2018 | Google Scholar |
16 | Shwetha Patil | FPGA Implementation Of 4-Bit And 8-Bit Square Circuit Using Reversible Logic | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 1-6, 2018 | Google Scholar |
17 | Kavitha D | Cloud Computing Security Analysis | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 91-95, 2018 | Google Scholar |
18 | Arun Ananthanarayanan | Expression Recognition Using Support Vector Machines | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 96-100, 2018 | Google Scholar |
19 | Bhanuteja G | Intermediate Protection Circuit For Automotive Supply | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 101-104, 2018 | Google Scholar |
20 | Lakshminarayana. G | Survey On Face Expression Recognition From Human Emotions By Using SVM Classifier | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 105-110, 2018 | Google Scholar |
21 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Activity Light Detection For Colorblind People | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 111-116, 2018 7 | Google Scholar |
22 | Shaik Kareemulla | Making OLED Panels More Energy Efficient –Review | International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research | Vol. 5, Issue. 5, pp. 123-133, 2018 | Google Scholar |
23 | N. Aswini | UAV and obstacle sensing techniques – a perspective | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | 2018 | ESCI |
24 | Sheher Banu S | Evaluation of GPS Data for Navigational Solution and Error Reduction using Kalman Filter | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 12-17,2018 | Scopus |
25 | Arun Ananthanarayanan | Analysis of INS Parameters and Error Reduction by Integrating GPS and INS Signals | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 18-23,2018 | Scopus |
26 | Thanga Dharsni I | Soldier Security And Health Monitoring | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 37-40,2018 | Scopus |
27 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Plant Disease Detection Using Machine Learning | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 41-45,2018 | Scopus |
28 | R Harshitha | Surveillance Robot using Raspberry Pi and IoT | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 46-51,2018 | Scopus |
29 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Soil Spectroscopy: Image Processing For Soil Color Detection Using Knn Classifier | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 52-55,2018 | Scopus |
30 | Kala H S | AgRobots (A combination of image processing and data analytics) | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 56-58,2018 | Scopus |
31 | Kavitha D | CNN Based Technique for Systematic Classification of Field Photographs | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 59-63,2018 | Scopus |
32 | I Hameem Shanavas | Design of an Autonomous Surveillance Robot using Simultaneous Localization And Mapping | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 64-68,2018 | Scopus |
33 | Thanga Dharsni I | Multipurpose Self-Fuel Dispensing Automated Framework Utilizing RFID prepaid cards | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 69-74,2018 | Scopus |
34 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Geometric Location Finder Based On Encrypted Spatial Data Using Geometric Range Queries | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 75-79,2018 | Scopus |
35 | Shwetha Patil | Voice Controlled Robot Using LABVIEW | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 80-83 2018 | Scopus |
36 | Bhanu Teja G | Design And Construction Of Six Legged Robot | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 84-87,2018 | Scopus |
37 | Praphul.M.N | Exact Rate Control of Electric Vehicle Using ARM with Battery Saving Mode | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 12-17,2018 | Scopus |
38 | Jeeva B | Design and Development of Automated Intelligent Robot Using OpenCV | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 92-96,2018 | Scopus |
39 | Kala H S | Development of Device for Gesture To Speech Conversion For The Mute Community | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 97-99,2018 | Scopus |
40 | Shaik Kareemulla | Autonomous Agricultural Robot Using GPS And Magnetometer | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 100-105, 2018 | Scopus |
41 | Farha Kowser | Highly Secure Multiple Account Bank Affinity Card A Successor For Atm Card | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 115-119,2018 | Scopus |
42 | Pavithra Prabakaran | Autonomous Self-Parking Robot | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 120-123,2018 | Scopus |
43 | Aparna Puvvadi | CNN Based Technique For Automatic Tree Counting Using Very High Resolution Data | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 127-129,2018 | Scopus |
44 | Chaitra S N | Getting Information about the Neighbour Street Light Using WIFI Mesh Network | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 130-132,2018 | Scopus |
45 | I Hameem Shanavas | A Personal Assistant Robot Using Raspberry PI | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 133-136,2018 | Scopus |
46 | M. Brindha | Stability analysis of Networked control system | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C 2018) | pp. 137-140,2018 | Scopus |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
1 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | An Efficient Image Encryption using Deep Neural network and chaotic Map | Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier | Vol. 77, 2020 [Online First Version] | SCI |
2 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | A Novel efficient multiple encryption algorithm for real time Images | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1327-1336, 2020 | Scopus |
3 | R. Geetha | Embedding electronic patient information in clinical images: an improved and efficient reversible data hiding technique | Multimedia Tools and Applications volume, Springer | Vol. 79, pp. 12869–12890, 2020 | SCIE |
4 | R. Geetha | A Multi-Layered Plus-Minus one Reversible Data Embedding Scheme | Multimedia Tools and Applications volume, Springer | Vol. 80, pp. 14123–14136, 2021 | SCIE |
5 | R. Geetha | Efficient high capacity technique to embed EPR information | Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Taylors & Francis | Vol. 44, Issue. 2, pp. 1-14, 2020 [Online First Version] | Scopus |
6 | M. Brindha | Schematic Dynamic scheduling algorithm for networked control system | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol. 9, Issue. 4, pp. 68-75, 2020 | Scopus |
7 | Kala.H.S | Artificial Neural Network Implementation for classification of lung Tissues in High resolution tomography Images | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | Vol. 9, Issue. 4, pp. 1438-1441, 2020 | Google Scholar |
8 | D. Tamilarasi | Automatic Parking system slot for smart cities | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Vol. 9, Issue. 2, pp. 1473-1476, 2019 | Scopus |
9 | Arun Ananthanarayanan | Research on Speech Codec with Compression using Legendre Polynomials | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol. 9, Issue. 5S3, pp. 278-284, 2019 | Scopus |
10 | Sreepriya Kurup | Mitigation of Iono spheric scintillation in carrier tracking loop of GPS receivers | International Conference on Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2020 | Google Scholar |
11 | Kavitha D | A survey of artificial intelligence technique for the early prediction of congenital heart disease | International Conference on Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2020 | Google Scholar |
12 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | ECC Encrypted Secure Reversible Data Hiding On Real Time Images With Enhanced Security | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Vol. 15, No. 15, pp. 2703- 2709, 2019 | Scopus |
13 | R. Geetha | Multi-Layered Ódd-Even’Rversible Embedding for Encrypted Images | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol. 9, Issue. 1S3, pp. 347-351, 2019 | Scopus |
14 | D.Tamilarasi | Implementation of stepped frequency modulation pulse compression on NI suite | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol. 9, Issue. 2, pp. 2161-2164, 2019 | Google Scholar |
15 | S.Ananthi | Bit Error Performance of Variations along the Spectrum for the Several Sub | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol. 8, Issue. 5S3, pp. 270-277, 2019 | Scopus |
16 | S.Ananthi | Micro strip Antenna Design by Entrenching the Ground Plane Around the Patch | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | Vol. 8, Issue. 5S3, pp. 267-269, 2019 | Scopus |
17 | Ms. Aswini | UAV and obstacle sensing techniques – as perspective | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | pp.1-19, 2018 | Scopus |
18 | S.Ananthi | Automatic Detection of Humps and Potholes for Alerting the Drivers on Road | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 57-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
19 | S.Ananthi | Development of Arduino Base Smart APP for Fire Monitoring System | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
20 | I.Hameem Shanavas | Contrast and Color Enhancement for Under Water Imaging Applications | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
21 | S.Ananthi | Microstrip Antenna Design by Entrenching the Ground Plane | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 267-269, 2018 | Google Scholar |
22 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Hybrid Encryption with DNA Coding, RDH and SVM for Double Protection | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
23 | Arun Ananthanarayanan | LoRa Enabled Remote Location Safety Monitoring System | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 1-7, 2018 | Google Scholar |
24 | Shivakannan | Rescue Device Using Raspberry pi | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
25 | Vijitha U G | Smart Room for Power Saving Using Video Processing | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
26 | Vijitha U G | Wildlife Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
27 | Vijitha U G | EEG Based Bra in Controlled Robot | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
28 | Vijitha U G | READING ASSISTANT | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
29 | I.Hameem Shanavas | Smart Display for the Blind – Braille pad | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
30 | Ambili D Nair | Rainfall Prediction Model using Machine Learning Algorithm and its Sensitive | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
31 | Praphul M N | Design and Implementation of Smart Shelves for Retail Platform | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
32 | Pavithra P | IOT Based Crop Monitoring System | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
33 | Pavithra P | Smart Wearable Reading Assistance System For Visually Impaired People | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
34 | Kavitha D | Design of 1-18 GHz Compact Spiral Antenna | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
35 | Kavitha D | Brain Tumor Detection Using Segmentation Algorithm | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
36 | Sheher Banu | Infant Crying Analysis and Emotion Detection Using MFCC | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
37 | Lakshmi .C.R | Iris Recognition System Using Water Marking | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
38 | Lakshmi C R | Design of Wide Band Active Phased Array Antenna in C-Band | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, pp. 89-61, 2018 | Google Scholar |
39 | Hema M | Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Neural Networks | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
40 | Gowthami | Smart Gas Monitoring System Using IoT | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
41 | Gowthami | Encryption and Decryption using Hummingbird cryptographic Algorithm | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
42 | Kamalanathan | Smart Transportation System Using Image Processing | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
43 | Lakshminarayan | Smart ATM card using RedTacton Technology | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
44 | Farha Kouser | Ultraviolet Room Disinfection Device | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
45 | Supriya | Underwater Image Reconstruction | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
46 | Supriya | Alexa Based Indoor Navigation System | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
47 | Prakash Jadhav | Bandwidth Reduction Of Video Compression Using ANN For Virtual Multimedia | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
48 | Kala H S | Active Vision And Multi Modal Detection Of Real World Objects | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
49 | Kala H S | Under water Image Enhancement Using MATLAB | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
50 | P. APARNA | Child Safety Wearable Device Using IOT And Labview | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
51 | Prashant G | Implementation of Adaptive Noise Cancellation and Monitoring of Vibration S | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
52 | Naeem Ahmed | Automatic Billing System Using Li-Fi Module | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
53 | Sreepriya kurup | UPF based low power implementation and optimization on DDRPHY | International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research | Vol. 3, Issue. 5, 2018 | Google Scholar |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
1 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | DNA coding and RDH scheme hybrid encryption algorithm using SVM | International Journal of Cloud Computing, InderScience | Vol. 10, pp. 144-157, 2021 | Scopus |
2 | D Tamilarasi | An Efficient Food Quality Analysis Model (EFQAM) using the Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies | Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier | 2021 [Online First Article] | SCI |
3 | D Tamilarasi | Design of radio frequency integrated circuit for RF to DC power converter for bio-medical application | Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier | Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 2139-2144, 2021 | Scopus |
4 | S. Kanithan | Rapid Low Power Voltage Level Shifter Utilizing Regulated Cross Coupled Pull Up Network | IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI-2021) | pp.1-9, 2021 | Scopus |
5 | D. Tamilarasi | Implementation and Performance Analysis of 5-Level Multilevel Converter using Arduino | IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2020 | pp. 775-779, 2020 | Scopus |
6 | Shoaib Kamal | A Novel Remedy for Image Encryption and Data Hiding | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 1-7, 2021 | Scopus |
7 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Groundwater anomaly detection using machine learning | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 8-14, 2021 | Scopus |
8 | I Hameem Shanavas | Cognitive Machine Learning Model for Soil Property Prediction and Type Classification on Geo-Spatial Data | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 168-172, 2021 | Scopus |
9 | Geethanjali G | Enhanced Data Encryption in IOT using ECC Cryptography and LSB Steganography | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 173-177, 2021 | Scopus |
10 | Chitra T C | Blackbox System for Car Accident Analysis | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs | pp. 178-183, 2021 | Scopus |
11 | Divya Sugathan | eSPY Carting Systems:The Real -Time Tracking Mechanism Architecture | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 184-190, 2021 | Scopus |
12 | S Kanithan | Inter Vehicle Communication using Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 191-196, 2021 | Scopus |
13 | Minal K Deore | Smart Bus and Bus Stop Management System using IoT Technology | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 197-202, 2021 | Scopus |
14 | Pavithra P | Video Based Drowning Detection System | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 203-206, 2021 | Scopus |
15 | Arun Ananthanarayanan | Smart Mirror Using Rasberry Pi for Human Monitoring and Intrusion Detection | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 207-210, 2021 | Scopus |
16 | Naeem Ahmed | Indian Currency Detection Using Image Recognition Technique | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 211-215, 2021 | Scopus |
17 | Bhanuteja G | CAMISA: An AI Solution for COVID-19 | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 216-222, 2021 | Scopus |
18 | D. Tamilarasi | Artificial Intelligence Vision For Visually Impaired | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 223-228, 2021 | Scopus |
19 | Pavithra Prabakaran | Smart Door Lock System For The Elderly And Disabled | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 229-233, 2021 | Scopus |
20 | V Ramya | Intelligent Helmet for Miners | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 234-238, 2021 | Scopus |
21 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Evaluation of Mental Health Using IOT Based Wearables | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 239-242, 2021 | Scopus |
22 | D. Tamilarasi | Automated Temperature Monitoring and Cooling System using Thermoelectric Generators and W1209 Temperature Actuators | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 243-248, 2021 | Scopus |
23 | Shivalila A H | Smart Gait Detection System With IoT and Machine Learning | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 249-253, 2021 | Scopus |
24 | Kala H S | Secured And Transparent Voting System Using Biometric And Face Recognition | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 254-259, 2021 | Scopus |
25 | Farha Kowser | Exploiting Mobile-to-Mobile Wireless Energy Sharing for Charging Relief | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 260-264, 2021 | Scopus |
26 | Kanithan S | Brain-Computer Interface Based Home Automation System Using Eye Blink Detection for Paralyzed People | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 271-276, 2021 | Scopus |
27 | Shruthi N | Rail Track Defect Detection using Enhanced Method of Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 277-280, 2021 | Scopus |
28 | Kala H S | Contactless Authentication Device using Palm Vein and Palm Print Fusion Biometric Technology for Post Covid World | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 281-285, 2021 | Scopus |
29 | S J Sugumar | Real Time Water Treatment Plant Monitoring System using IOT and Machine Learning Approach | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 286-289, 2021 | Scopus |
30 | S Kanithan | Smart Dustbin Using LoRa and Tensorflow Network | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 290-296, 2021 | Scopus |
31 | V Ramya | Smart Watering System using Fuzzy Logic | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 297-300, 2021 | Scopus |
32 | Anitta D | Smart Shopping Cart Using IOT and Robotic Arm | IEEE International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control(ICDI3C 2021) | pp. 301-305, 2021 | Scop |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
1 | Shima Ramesh Maniyath | Learning-based approach to underwater image dehazing using CycleGAN | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer | Vol. 14, pp. 1-11, 2021 | SCI |
2 | Jeevalakshmi D | Satellite monitoring of forest fire impact and regeneration using NDVI and LST | Journal of Applied Remote Sensing | Vol. 145, Issue. 4, pp. 1-14, 2021 | SCI |
3 | S. Kanithan | Negative Capacitance Ferroelectric FET Based on Short Channel Effect for Low Power Applications | Journal of Silicon-Springer | pp. 1-11, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCI |
4 | Sugumar S J | Design and Fabrication of Automatic Oxygen Flow Controller for COVID Patient | Springer Conference Preceding | Vol. 355, pp. 137-143, 2022 | Scopus |
5 | Sugumar S J | Analysis and Testing of Geophone for Different Soil Conditions for Elephant Intrusion Detection | Springer Conference Preceding | Vol. 355, pp. 145-153, 2022 | Scopus |
6 | Utsab Banerjee | A Compact Dielectric Resonator Based Dual Port Circularly Polarised MIMO Antenna for Wideband Applications | Progress In Electromagnetics Research M | Vol. 107, pp. 51-63, 2022 | SCIE |
7 | Sayantam Sarkar | Efficient FPGA Architecture to Implement Non-Separable Fast Fourier Transform for Image and Video Applications | International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis | pp. 1-16, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCI |
8 | Shoaib Kamal | IOT Automation-Based Rsapberry Pi for Detection of Plant Seeding in Agriculture | Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, Hindawi | pp. 1-10, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCIE |
9 | Shoaib Kamal | FCN Network Based Weed and Crop Segmentation for IOT Aided Agriculture applications | International Journal of Photo-Energy, Hindawi | pp. 1-10, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCIE |
10 | Shoaib Kamal | Optimization of Solar Panel Deployment using Machine Learning | International Journal of Photo-Energy, Hindawi | pp. 1-7, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCIE |
11 | S. Kanithan | Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Ferroelectric Negative Capacitance FET | Journal of Silicon-Springer | Vol. 14, Issue. 1, pp. 2409-2419, 2022 | SCI |
12 | S. Kanithan | Design and Analysis of Junctionless FinFET with Gaussian Doped for Non-polar Structure | Journal of Silicon-Springer | pp. 1-9, 2022 [Online First Version] | SCI |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue, Year | Indexing |
Nill | Nill | Nill | Nill | Nill | Nill |
Sl.No | Academic Year | Name of the Conference | Organized Date |
1 | 2017-18 | 5th National Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs – Compute – Communicate/ Control Conference | |
2 | 2018-19 | 2nd International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs – Compute, Communicate and Control (ICDI3C-2018) | 25th-26th April 2018 |
3 | 2019-20 | 3rd International Conference on Design Innovation for 3Cs – Compute, Communicate and Control (ICDI3C-2020) | 11th–15th May 2020 |
4 | 2020-21 | 4th International Conference on Design Innovation for 3Cs – Compute, Communicate and Control (ICDI3C-2021) | 11th–12th June 2021 |
5 | 2021-22 | 5th International Conference on Design Innovation for 3Cs – Compute, Communicate and Control (ICDI3C-2022) | 24th–25th June 2022 |
Sl.No | Name of Research Scholar | Name of Supervisor | Research Area | Year of Registration |
1 | Mrs. Kala H S | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Image Processing | 2019 |
2 | Mrs. Sheher Banu S | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Satellite Communication | 2019 |
3 | Mrs. Supriya Kurup | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Satellite Communication | 2017 |
4 | Mr. Prashanth G | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Image Processing | 2017 |
5 | Mrs. Divya Sugathan | Image Processing | 2021 | |
6 | Mrs. Ramya V | Image Processing | 2021 | |
7 | Mrs.MinalKalpeshDeore | Image Processing | 2023 | |
8 | Mr.Vijaykumar S | Computer Networks | 2023 | |
9 | Mrs.Anu Joy | Image Processing | 2023 | |
10 | Mr. L.David William Raj | Microwave and antenna | 2023 |
Sl.No | Name of Research Scholar | Name of Supervisor | Research Area | Year of Registration |
1 | Dr. M Brindha | Dr. I Hameem Shanavas | Control Systems | 2021 |
Sl.No | Name of Research Scholar | Name of Supervisor | Research Area | Year of Registration | Current Status |
1 | Mr. Sayantam Sarkar | VLSI Design and Digital Signal Processing | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | 2017 | Pre-Submission Colloquium is completed |
2 | Mr. Jeeva B | Launch Vehicle and It’s Control | IIST, Thruvanandhapuram | 2018 | Course Work Completed |
3 | Mrs. Anitta D | Image Processing | Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore | 2015 | Course Work Completed |
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