M Tech – Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE)

How do you help decide what is best for your child? We are here to guide you!

Mission and Vision

Our Vision:

To create an ambience of excellence and provide innovative and emerging programs in Computer Science and Engineering, in order to shape future-ready engineers equipped with technical expertise and strong ethical values.

Our Mission:

  • Concepts of Computing Discipline: To educate students at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels in the fundamental and advanced concepts of computing discipline.
  • Quality Research: To provide strong theoretical and practical foundation across the Computer Science and Engineering discipline, with emphasis on computing technologies, quality research, consultancy and training.
  • Continuous Teaching-Learning: To promote a teaching-learning process that brings in advancements in the Computer Science and Engineering discipline leading to new technologies and products.
  • Social Responsibility and Ethical Values: To inculcate professional behaviour, innovative research capabilities, leadership qualities and strong ethical values in the young minds, so that they can work with a commitment for the betterment of the society.


After completing this program successfully, the graduates will be able to:

  • Exhibit the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to handle the real-world problems by transforming theoretical knowledge to design practice.  
  • Demonstrate the essential knowledge in advanced areas of Structural Engineering to excel in Construction/Design industry, and foster enthusiasm to pursue research in critical areas of Structural Engineering for an academic career.  
  • Exhibit inter-personal skills required to function effectively in varied, dynamic, and inter- disciplinary teams.  
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness for peer learning and teamwork and lead technological advances in Structural Engineering Industry and Design Practice  

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • Demonstrate the expertise in structural analysis and design of various structures as per BIS Codes of practice. Address problems in the field of civil engineering, develop models, design/analyse, test and interpret results. 
  • Exhibit knowledge and skills to include recent advances in the development of sustainable concepts and use of computational methods for the solution of scientific and engineering problems related to structures.  
  • Use of suitable codes of practice, material and procedures to analyse and design of various structures.