B.E. Civil Engineering (CV)

How do you help decide what is best for your child? We are here to guide you!

Mission and Vision

Our Vision

To prepare our students, imbibing them with the right attitude and visionary goals so that they can move forward and create a progressive yet sustainable society for all.

Our Mission

  • To impart superiorknowledge and produce brilliant Civil Engineers for the progress and betterment of society.
  • To inculcate moral values, leadership and management skills in students.
  • To become a center for excellence in Civil engineering studies where we offer students practical sessions and ample opportunities to use their inner skills and innovations.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • Our Graduates will become successful and career-oriented Civil Engineers, bagging challenging and rewarding jobs in public or private sectors.
  • Our Graduates will be able to think differently and create a sustainable world with their innovations.
  • Our Graduates can pursue higher education to acquire deeper knowledge and exposure to the changes needed in a progressive society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • Our Graduates will learn to apply their skills in a wide range of industries related to structural planning, designing and construction.
  • Our Graduates will learn the modern approach to Civil Engineering, with the help of advanced technologies and computer-aided applications.