B.E. Aeronautical Engineering (AE)


The success of a student both academically and also later on in his career depends upon the Institution where he studies and the facilities that are available to him. MVJCE spares no efforts in this regard. We provide our students all the advanced features and facilities that will shape them into ace Aeronautical Engineers.

Some of the Labs in the Aeronautical Engineering department:

Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing Lab

Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing Lab

Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing Lab makes use of computers (or workstations) to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design of different aircraft and its parts.

Energy Conversion Lab

From transportation to electricity production to energy consumption, our society is powered by the use of complex conversion devices. World is devoted to advancing the frontiers of science and engineering in order to improve the efficient use of natural resources, while minimizing environmental impact of these systems.

Measurement and Metrology Lab

The process of getting one or more numerical values that can be fairly assigned to a quantity or property is known as measurement. A measurement’s correctness, specificity, and consistency are all covered by metrology. Traceability or comparison to a “standard” or between different measuring systems is involved.

The student will be able to understand pressure gauge, thermocouple, LVDT, load cell, and micrometer calibration by studying the lab. Use the ideas of angle measurement with a Sine Centre, Sine Bar, or Bevel Protractor, and alignment with an Autocollimator/Roller Set. Conduct measurements with an optical projector/toolmaker microscope and optical flats. Use an Optical Projector/Tool Maker microscope and optical flats to illustrate measurements. Using a lathe/drill tool dynamometer, analyze tool forces.Examine Screw thread dimensions are measured with a 2-wire or 3-wire method, and gear tooth profiles are measured with a gear tooth Vernier/micrometer. Understand the basic principles of surface roughness measuring.

Material Testing Lab

The process of testing of materials to find out its Mechanical properties like elasticity, plasticity, ductility, brittleness, yield strength and hardness etc.. And used to ensure that supplied material will perform as expected and covers a wide variety of experimental approaches ranging from simple tensile test to more complex test for finding flaws and cracks inside the material is known as Material testing Lab.

The student able to understand Universal Testing Machine working principle for finding tensile, compression, bending and shear strength of the materials. To conduct the experiment to find hardness of the material by different experiments like Brinell Hardness test, Rock well and vicker’s hardness test. Use an impact testing machine for conduct Izod and Charpy impact test. Examine the cracks inside the material by magnetic crack detector and understand the basic principle of Theory of failures of materials.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

In this lab, tests on the properties of fluids, flow measuring devices, are performed.

Performance study on various hydraulic machines like Turbines, Pumps, Compressors and blowers are conducted. This laboratory caters to the academic requirement of various disciplines of Engineering like Civil Engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering.

Apart from academic requirements the laboratory provides research facilities in the field of fluid Engineering.

Propulsion lab

The propulsion lab is well equipped with all the facilities suitable for undergraduate studies and research. Students will learn the basic working principles of jet engines, reciprocating engines, flame properties, flame stabilization etc. The impact of different fuel properties like HCV and LCV can be done and it is open to external members.

Structure lab

The Structural Engineering Laboratory at MVJ college of engineering serves a wide spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, research, development, and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on model/prototype of structural elements and assemblies under various static and dynamic loading conditions. In addition to the regular academic and research the structure lab is open to the public for testing of their module, they can have both static and dynamic tests in our laboratory.

Flight simulation lab

The Flight Simulation Laboratory has MATLAB software for stability and control analysis of aircraft, missiles, satellites, and spacecraft. Mathematical modelling and simulation of aircraft and spacecraft can be carried out. Performance work can also be carried out like estimation of runway roll during take-off and landing with modelling of hazardous conditions. In addition to the modelling software, the lab is equipped with flight simulator where students have real time experience of piloting, students can be able to change the environment’s condition and study the conditions of the flight. The simulator will be open to the public for practice, the external member will be allowed with batches having capacity of minimum 10 people.

Design, Modelling and Analysis lab

Specifically designated for project activities, is available for these students, equipped with cutting-edge PC configurations and software such as ANSYS. Students are motivated to extend their working hours beyond regular college time in the lab. Having experienced faculties and researcher in modelling and analysis and it is open for consultancy projects.

Aerodynamics lab

Aerodynamics is the subject which deals with objects move through air. Objects that moves through air is affected by aerodynamic forces. To make students aware of the concepts of lift and drag, this laboratory is equipped subsonic wind tunnel facilities with smoke flow testing. Students can do the experiments as wells the projects. In addition to the academic, consultancy work also will be carried out for external members with nominal cost.