M.Tech Structural Engineering (CSE)

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To prepare our students, imbibing them with the right attitude and visionary goals so that they can move forward and create a progressive yet sustainable society for all.

Our Mission

  • To impart superior knowledge and produce brilliant Structural Engineers for the progress and betterment of society.
  • To inculcate moral values, leadership and management skills in students.
  • To become a center for excellence in Structural Engineering studies where we offer students practical sessions and ample opportunities to use their inner skills and innovations.


After completing this program successfully, the graduates will be able to:  

  • PEO 1: Exhibit the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to handle the real-world problems by transforming theoretical knowledge to design practice.  
  • PEO 2: Demonstrate the essential knowledge in advanced areas of Structural Engineering to excel in Construction/Design industry, and foster enthusiasm to pursue research in critical areas of Structural Engineering for an academic career.  
  • PEO 3: Exhibit inter-personal skills required to function effectively in varied, dynamic, and inter- disciplinary teams.  
  • PEO 4: Demonstrate the effectiveness for peer learning and teamwork and lead technological advances in Structural Engineering Industry and Design Practice  


  • PSO1: Demonstrate the expertise in structural analysis and design of various structures as per BIS Codes of practice. Address problems in the field of civil engineering, develop models, design/analyse, test and interpret results. 
  • PSO2: Exhibit knowledge and skills to include recent advances in the development of sustainable concepts and use of computational methods for the solution of scientific and engineering problems related to structures.  
  • PSO3: Use of suitable codes of practice, material and procedures to analyse and design of various structures.