Web Development and Design – organized by Google Developer Student Club

The Google Developer Student Club, MVJCE, was proud to host this event for students. The event ‘Web Development and Design’ is the ultimate Workshop on HTML, CSS, TAILWIND CSS and GITHUB. It was a two-day event which focused on hands-on experience, with students working on their own laptops. The event was held in our Seminar Hall, on 9th and 10th February, 2023, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm on both the days. It was coordinated by Event Coordinator Mrs. Thejaswini M and around 140 students from all the Departments participated. On completion of the Workshop, the students were given Certificates by Google.

Day – 1 (09.02.2023)

The event facilitators for Day 1 were Jeevan Aaron and Deepak Jain from 3rd year CSE and they focused on Introduction and roadmap on WEB DEVELOPMENT, along with the basics of HTML and CSS using flexbox. By the end of the Workshop students could build their own personal Portfolio Page.

Day – 2 (10.02.2023)

The event facilitators for Day 2 were Sidharth Sreejil and Shivam Sharma from 2nd year CSE, the focus was mainly on Tailwind CSS and GITHUB. Students learnt to work with Git Repositories and Deploy your Website with GitHub Page.