74th Republic Day Celebration

MVJ College of Engineering celebrated the 74th Republic Day in the College Campus on 26th January 2023, at 8:00 am. More than 370 students, teaching and non-teaching staff members gathered for the flag hoisting ceremony.

The programme started with a Guard of Honour by NCC students, followed with the address by the Principal. Dr. Mahabaleswarappa P, Principal MVJCE and Prof. Balakrishna, Principal MVJ PU College, unfurled the National Flag. Dr. P Mahabaleswarappa in his address, recollected the efforts of the people who were responsible for framing our Constitution, without whom we would not be able to enjoy the benefits and freedom which we are enjoying now. He also paid homage to all those souls who worked for the betterment and growth of the country and countrymen.

The Principal’s address was followed by a patriotic song and group song by students of MVJCE. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Asra Fathima and distribution of sweets.

The whole programme was coordinated and led by Mr. Uday (Physical Director, MVJCE), Dr. R Chandrasekaran (NCC Coordinator) and Dr. Manu D S (NSS Coordinator).