M Tech - Artificial Intelligence
and Data Science (AI & DS)

How do you help decide what is best for your child? We are here to guide you!

Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

To create long-lasting solutions for the benefit of society through high-quality AI and DS Engineering education, together with innovation, research and consultancy operations.

Our Mission:

  • To provide cutting-edge knowledge and skills in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, with a strong foundation in Computer Science and Engineering.
  • To collaborate with industry in order to promote innovative research in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and related fields.
  • To prepare students to solve real-world problems by imparting technical skills through experiential learning.
  • To adhere to high personal and professional values and ethics, and create a joyful environment where excellence is pursued.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • Technologist: Obtain in-depth understanding of sophisticated computational techniques and apply them to pertinent real-world problems in the framework of a particular application area.
  • Pioneer: Innovate and design using contemporary computing platforms, demonstrating a dedication to moral behavior and lifelong learning.
  • Scholar: Gain an understanding of the body of literature that is currently available for anyone interested in computer science and engineering research, and contribute to it.
  • Professional: Become a skilled professional by demonstrating technical and managerial abilities in a variety of diverse fields.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • Researcher: Perform studies in diverse topics, applying acquired knowledge to recognize and address issues.
  • Solution architecture: Prove your capacity for critical thought by offering effective solutions to practical computing challenges that take social and environmental concerns into account.