Department Club Event CHEMITTMENT

The Department of Chemical Engineering, MVJCE, organized a Club activity ‘CHEMITTMENT’, on 15th July 2021, through Microsoft Teams. The event started at 01:30 pm and ended at 4:00 pm and was attended by 43 students (14 groups) from the Chemical Engineering department.

The thought that led to the conducting of this event was: ‘Every day, we learn something new, but hardly bother to analyze our general knowledge along with analytical skills.’ This event aimed at making the students exercise their ability to think logically.


This round was based on general knowledge, where a set of questions containing riddles, equations, pictures and codes was given in a flow sheet. After solving all the questions in the flow sheet, the participants were told to form a meaningful sentence out of it. This round was conducted for 30 minutes, 14 teams participated, out of which 8 teams qualified for the next round.


This was a rapid-fire round, 20 questions were asked, with each question being displayed for 7 seconds. The round was completed in 15 minutes. 4 teams qualified for the final round.


In this round, the questions were around inventors, chemical compounds, logo and formulas/laws. Based on time-management, the winner and runner-up teams were declared.

The 1st place was secured by B Mahammad Sirajuddin (1MJ19CH003), Aniket R Mane(1MJ19CH002) and Shihan B (1MJ18CH033) from 4th semester Chemical Engineering. The 2nd place was bagged by Manoj Kumar C N (1MJ18CH024), Khaja Tarannum Anjum (1MJ18CH018), Monisha A (1MJ18CH028) and Muhinudeen H (1MJ18CH029) from 6th semester Chemical Engineering.

The event was very interesting, interactive and beneficial to the students. The students solved questions with a display of strong team spirit, pitched in new ideas and actively took part in the virtual club activity.


“Knowledge is true, if it’s based on logic, but not memory.” The event was a change from the regular curriculum and the students felt refreshed. They learnt a lot about time management, team work, presence of mind and logical thinking.