Exploring the Technological Trends in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: AICTE ATAL Academy Faculty Development Programme

The objective of this programme is to enlighten the importance of Machine learning in Signal and Image processing applications, to impart the knowledge of speech processing through machine learning concepts, to focus on key concepts of communication and their implementations using machine learning, to discuss the research perspectives in remote sensing using machine learning, to bring out solutions in the medical field and its applications using AI. Participation in this programme will be helpful for young teachers engaged in research works.

AICTE –Teaching and Learning (ATAL) Academy

The main objectives of the ATAL Academy are:

  • To plan and help in imparting quality technical education in the country
  • To support technical institutions in fostering research, innovation, and entrepreneurship through training in various emerging areas.
  • To stress upon empowering technical teachers Information & technicians using & Communication Technology
  • To utilize SWAYAM platform and other resource for the delivery of trainings.
  • To provide a variety of opportunities for training and exchange of experiences Such as workshops, Orientations, learning communities, peer mentoring and other faculty development programmes.
  • To support policy makers incorporating requirements training as per requirements


Registration has to be done only through https://atalacademy.aicte-india.org/


Dr. V Suresh Babu
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore


Dr. M Brindha
Vice Principal,
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore

Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi
Dean Academics,
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore

Dr. A C Niranjanappa
Dean Research,
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore

Dr. I Hameem Shanavas
Dean Student Affairs,
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore