Guest Lecture on Big Data Analytics

1. Session Summary:

Date: 14th December, 2022
Time: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Venue: Smt. Rajalakshmi Jayaraman Seminar Hall

Inauguration at 10:00 am, followed by

  • Welcome Speech (by students)
  • Inaugural Talk

Inagurated by:

Dr. Mahabalswarappa, Principal, MVJCE. He inaugurated the event, and shared his Industry knowledge about Big Data Analytics with the students.

Resource Person:

Mr. Darshan Vishwanath, Senior Engineering Manager, MYNTRA

Target Participants:

  • Students (d51)
  • Faculty

2. Lecture Summary:

The Guest Speaker presented a thorough session on big data and its varieties. He also explained about the issues of legacy systems, techniques to resolve the issues, and the role of Hadoop in solving these issues. Students gained a lot of knowledge related to the topic.

Mr. Darshan Vishwanath stressed on the five key concepts of big data, i.e.., Volume, Veracity, Value, Velocity and Variety. He also sopoke about five new technologies in Big Data, including Hadoop that has been widely adopted by enterprises for their data warehouse needs, real time solutions, cloud solutions and self-service big data applications that revolutionize the traditional database.

He covered the following points in his lecture.

  • An Introduction to Key Data Science Concepts
  • Key Data Science Concepts
  • Technical Concepts of Data Science
  • Machine Learning with Python and R
  • Data Visualization and Summary

Outcome of the Event:

Through this Lecture, students gained a thorough knowledge in Data Analytics concepts which assist in decision making and justifying the several technical models. They gained awareness on various application areas of this technology, such as Hadoop and cloud-based analytics, to minimize costs.