The Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, MVJ College of Engineering, organized a Guest Lecture on ‘Capability Enhancement’, on 7th January, 2023.
The event started at 10.40 am, in Seminar Hall 5. Around 110 students from Aeronautical and Aerospace departments participated in this event. The major objective of this event was to educate students on the various ways in which they can develop their capabilities, so that they are ready for the future in the Aeronautical and Aerospace Industries.
The session started with Inaugural Address by Dr.P Mahabaleswarappa, Principal MVJCE, who welcomed the audience and the Guest Speaker. During his talk, he highlighted the importance of capability enhancement for young engineers.
The Chief Guest, Mr. Abhishek Rao (Engineer-Airframe, Airbus, Bangalore) then took over the session. He started with a brief explanation on what is meant by ‘capacity building’ and ‘capacity enhancement’, what are the guaranteed approaches to achieve these objectives, and what are the instruments that can be used towards this end. With the help of suitable examples, he highlighted the following points during his presentation.
Capacity is the ability to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives.
Capacity building encompasses three main activities:
- Skill upgrading, both general and specific
- Procedural improvements
- Organizational strengthening
Capacity development means, investment in learning and knowledge-sharing that strengthens institutions and gives individuals the skills they need to solve problems, innovate, educate, and harness the productive potential of societies.
Mr. Abhishek Rao emphasized that Capacity Development needs to be addressed at three levels: Individual, Institutional and Societal. For Capability Enhancement, engineers must focus on the following programmes to upgrade his/her career.
- Computer Aided Engineering
- Programming Languages
- Learning new Languages
- Internships
- Attending Conferences/Industrial visits
- Building a network
At the end of the Lecture, a Q&A session was conducted in which the Guest Speaker addressed the queries of the attendees.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks to MVJCE Management, Principal, Vice Principal and CoE of MVJCE, for giving the opportunity to conduct this Guest Lecture on Capability Enhancement. A special mention to ITHELPDESK and team for their technical support during the session.
Outcome of the Event
The students could understand the importance of capacity building and capability enhancement. From their career perspective, the students understood that it is imperative for them to develop their capabilities. They got an idea about how to do this, and the measures they need to undertake to equip themselves to be strong in their domain area. Irrespective of their chosen field, they can gain more confidence about their capabilities. The session also encouraged students to explore their talent in the aeronautical and aerospace industries.
Dr. P. Arunagiri
Event Coordinator
Associate Professor and HOD (I/C)
Department of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Dr. P. Suresh
Event Coordinator
Associate Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering