Department of Chemistry, MVJCE organized a Guest lecture on 26.08.2023 for second semester Chemistry cycle students at M V Jayaraman Auditorium at 09:00 A.M. The guest lecture started with an invocation song by Anusha from H section, followed by introduction of the guest Dr. Dinesh Rangappa by Devdun from A section. Head of Department of Chemistry Dr. Preethi.G honoured the guest with a flower bouquet. In the event 440 students participated from chemistry cycle
Dr. Dinesh Rangappa, Professor, Department of Applied Sciences (Nanotechnology) Center for PG studies, VTU Benagaluru. presented a guest lecture on Nanomaterials Synthesis and Applications on 26th August 2023 at MV Jayaraman Auditorium. The lecture was on Nanomaterials Synthesis and Applications, their Introduction, Instrumentation and applications. The speaker explained the properties techniques and analysis done for synthesis of nanomaterials. He explained in detail the various properties of nanomaterial. He also explained sol-gel method, combustion and solvothermal methods of preparation of nanomaterials. The lecture was very interesting and informative. The guest lecture ended with question and answer session. Students asked questions which were answered by guest speaker.
The outcome of the event
At the end of the event, students were able to understand that nanomaterials can be synthesized using two prominent approaches. They are top-down and bottom-up approaches and their applications in various fields
H.O.D Dr. Preethi.G welcoming the Guest speaker Dr. Dinesh Rangappa ( Professor, Department of Applied Sciences (Nanotechnology) Center for PG studies, VTU Bengaluru)