The Department of Mathematics, MVJ College of Engineering, organized a MATLITE Club Activity Calculations using Calculator on 21st January 2023, at Smt. Rajalakshmi Seminar Hall.
In the event which started at 8.30 am, 60 First-year students from various sections of Physics and Chemistry cycles participated actively. Prof. Thirupathi Gudi (Professor, IISc., Bangalore) was the Chief Guest for this Club activity.
The activity comprised of two rounds, Preliminary and Final rounds. The main aim of this Club activity was to ensure that the students learn the usage of scientific calculator, effectively.
In the Preliminary round, the participants had to solve 15 basic Mathematical questions in the stipulated time of 15 minutes. They were then shortlisted for the Final round, based on their answers to these questions and the time taken to answer them. The participants who gave the appropriate answers in the shortest time qualified to the Final round.
In the Final round, the participants had to solve 10 questions which were based on higher Mathematics topics such as matrices, linear equations, quadratic equations, cubic equations, trigonometric functions and so on.
Based on the scores earned and the time taken to complete, the First and Second prizes, which included a cash prize and certificate, were awarded.
The details of the Winner and Runner-up:
- Sai Karthik from C section secured the First prize
- Keerthan from B section secured the Second prize
Outcome of the Event
The event enabled the students to understand the necessity for using a scientific calculator, in their respective fields. This activity enhanced their knowledge of a scientific calculator and made them understand its benefits. The activity also helped students learn the importance of time management. The main aim of this activity was to make sure that the students can perform basic to complicated Mathematical operations, with ease.