MVJ College of engineering is annually celebrating the a Technical Fest named asVertechX 12.0. with that legacy now we are organising the “VertechXJr” the technical extravaganza. The students from different schools participated in the event.
In this event a few schools like Bangalore International school, Chyrsalis High , Mount litera Zee schools, Lake font schools were participated in all the four events i.e air glider, chatbot, project expo, line follower.
As we started the event with registartion desk where we have the guided the students to participate in the events and gave the instructions to participate in all the events.Air gliders, often referred to as unpowered aircraft, are fascinating tools for understanding aerodynamics, engineering principles, and lightweight construction techniques. These aircraft rely entirely on lift generated by air currents or thermals and gravity for forward propulsion, making them excellent educational tools for workshops. This report explores the design, construction, and application of air gliders in educational and practical settings.To introduce the principles of aerodynamics and the design of air we made the students to understand the basic concepts like dimensions, parts of the plane and made themto do air gliders.xplore new frontiers in the worl