The Department of Information Science and Engineering organized a workshop on GTM Database using python and machine learning, on 4th February 2023, at Smt. Rajalakshmi Jayaraman Seminar Hall. The event started at 9:30 am and concluded at 02:45 pm. 145 students from III semester of the Dept. of ISE and CSE (Data Science) attended in this event.
Chief Guest Natarajan Murugadoss, Senior software engineer, SAG IT, Bangalore, inaugurated the event, and transferred his experiences in python coding and machine learning to the students.
Python is one of the most accessible programming language available, as it has simplified syntax and which are not complicated. These codes can be easily written and executed much faster than other programming language. Python is a case sensitive language, which has a many updated libraries which simplify tasks such as matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy. As seeing today’s trend with respect to python, its expected that many companies would depend maximum on python. It’s the second most popular used tool after R language for data science and analytics. Its also become first choice for many programmers and students.
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. It is an important component of the growing field of data science. Using statistical methods, algorithms are trained to make classifications or predictions, and to uncover key insights in data mining projects. These insights subsequently drive decision making within applications and businesses, ideally impacting key growth metrics. As big data continues to expand and grow, the market demand for data scientists will increase. Its as simple as training a small baby from identification of colors to extreme.
About workshop on “GTM Data base using Python and Machine learning”
The workshop with 145 students from information science department and computer science department (data science) started with a basic question “How to manage data which is consisting of many column and row entries?”, “How to modify data, which such number of entries?”. Then moving further an approach to solve this problem was given, i.e., with help of programming and machine learning. A coding session on python was given, right away starting from basics. Also, the versatility of the language was shown to students.
Then many sample function and libraries such as NumPy ,Matplotlib etc. where explained, also a rough comparison of same feature in other languages with compared to python was explained. The response and ease of python handling amazed many students.
Also a great response from students attending was seen, many students clarifed their doubts regarding the latest trends,programming etc. An clear idea of diffrence between data scientist and analyst was explained.
Faculty Coordinator of the Event:
Dr. T S Kiran babu (Asst Professor, Dept. of ISE)
Student Coordinators:
- Vaibhav kumar P (1MJ21CD055)
- Suren Joshi (1MJ21CD051)
- G T Priya(1MJ21IS037)
- Pothur ekta shreya(1MJ21CD034)
Outcome of the Event:
During the workshop many students involved understanding the problem statement and thinking in a way to solve it. Also, this workshop helped many students to have clarity on their skills which would help them in future. Also students got clarity in aspects of choosing their first coding language. Students learnt factors like handling errors, solving in simpler and logical way.