XV Department Advisory Committee Meeting

The XV DAC meeting of the ECE department was conducted on 19th February, 2022, at Seminar Hall 6, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, in the presence of members from Professional body, Prof. C Murali (Former Vice- President, IETE, New Delhi), Mr. Peter Sam (Project Manager, IBM), Principal Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa, Vice Principal Dr. Brindha M, COE Dr. Antony, HOD Dr. I Hameem Shanavas, Mrs. Savitha (Parent of fourth semester student), Ms. Shruthi N (Assistant Professor, MVJCE, ECE Department), other faculty members and alumni of MVJCE.

Agenda of the Meeting

  1. Welcome Address
  2. To review progress of Department, with respect to various activities
  3. Discussion on Autonomous status 2021-22 Scheme, as per NEP
  4. Enhancement of student knowledge through industry-based internships
  5. Focused Training to improve placement opportunities
  6. Any other relevant point with the permission of Chair

Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa, Principal, MVJCE, addressing the gathering

The welcome address was given by Mrs. Farha Kowser, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, MVJCE. The Principal also welcomed the gathering, after which the session was handed over to the HOD. He presented the Autonomous 2021-22 Scheme, as per NEP. Progress Highlights and Action Plan of the ECE Department was explained by Dr. Shima Ramesh. She also briefed the participants about the achievements of our students, faculty publications and other department activities. Dr. Sugumar S, Professor of Electronics and Communication department, MVJCE, gave a brief introduction about R & D and Consultancy. Mrs. Divya S, Assistant Professor and Placement Co-coordinator of ECE Department, presented an overview of internship and placement statistics.

Faculty members, along with invited guests, at the event on 19th February, 2022

The session was then handed over to Prof. C Murali, who gave valuable suggestions for the improvement of all the points on the agenda – which included mainly, the introduction of device, circuit, field, and network and design concept which should be given more emphasis in the curriculum. He opined that the basic Electronics syllabus should be framed separately for EEE and ECE, to enable the inclusion of more in-depth concepts when compared to the non-circuit branch. The field theory concept taught in Physics is not sufficient for Engineering, so this concept must be included in the scheme. Tutorial session should be made more interactive. Lab should be conducted in such a way that students are able to do the experiments without the help of lab manuals. Prerequisites need to be defined in the syllabus for all electives. Prof. C Murali suggested that cloud computing and block chain can be included as one of the open electives for ECE Students.

Prof. C Murali, Former Vice President, IETE, giving his valuable suggestions

Prof. Murali appreciated the fact that electives from one semester to the other semester have been linked in a proper manner. He suggested that extra credit could be given to students who are taking up courses like NPTEL or Swayam. He also suggested that more students can be sent for internships to institutions like ISRO/DRDO/HAL etc. He agreed to procure assistance from IETE for guest lectures to motivate the students. He himself has expressed his interest to give talks on 5G and beyond, IoT, WSN etc.

Mr. Peter Sam also went through the syllabus and approved that it is as per industry requirements. Suggestions were also given by parents, Alumni and faculty members.

The meeting concluded with an assurance from the HOD to take up all the suggestions for improvement of the Department. Finally, Dr. Krishnaswamy, Associate Professor of Electronics and Communication department, MVJCE, gave the vote of thanks.

Outcome of the Meeting

  1. A better approach needs to be followed in conducting lab, seminars, internships and project work.
  2. Formative assessment marks have to be distributed properly, ensuring that students put in more effort to improve their scores.
  3. Infrastructural facility has to be utilized to keep pace with the changing needs of the teaching/learning environment.
  4. A long-term strategic plan with well-defined goals and objectives needs to be developed, to maintain a robust pace of growth.
  5. The nature of placements needs to be enhanced, by inviting more reputed companies offering better opportunities.
  6. Entrepreneurial activities need to be actively undertaken and promoted, on the campus.
  7. Networked activities with industries and institutions of repute need to be strengthened.
  8. The department is committed to improving the quality of research output, by publishing papers in better quality journals.