M Tech - Electronics and Communication Engineering (Advanced Communication Technology)

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Imparting state–of–the–art technological education with focus on Industry-aligned requirements, ethical research and human values

Our Mission

  • Professional Growth: To provide quality technological education that is supported by  latest research facilities. 
  • Skill Development: To offer solutions for Industry needs. 
  • Research Culture: To contribute prospective, outcome–based research in relevant  domains. 
  • Lifelong Learning: To inculcate ethics and human values among faculty, staff and  students, through the practice of various social initiatives.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 

  • Professional Development: Graduates will demonstrate mastery in the design, analysis,  and implementation of advanced communication systems including but not limited to  wireless communication, optical communication, and satellite communication. 
  • Skill Development: Graduates will have the skills to design and analyze communication  hardware components and systems, including antennas, RF circuits, and integrated  circuits, to meet performance specifications and standards. 
  • Lifelong Learning: Graduates will demonstrate ethical and professional behavior in their  practice as communication technology professionals, understanding the societal  implications and responsibilities associated with their work.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) 

  • Professional Development: Create an inclusive and diverse learning environment that  celebrates differences, encourages collaboration, and prepares students to thrive in  multicultural and interdisciplinary settings. 
  • Attitude towards Lifelong Learning: Cultivate global perspectives and cultural awareness  among students, offering opportunities for international experiences, collaborations, and  exchanges to prepare them for success in a connected worldÂ