Chemistry (Ph.D)

Research and Development
List of Doctorates
Sl.NoName of FacultyDesignationAreas of InterestYears of Experience
1Dr. Preethi.GAssistant ProfessorMaterial science10
2Dr. Prathap KumarAssistant ProfessorCatalysis, Semiconductor Photocatalysis3
3Dr. Budigi LokeshAssistant ProfessorMaterials Science, Battery materials, Inorganic Chemistry1
4Dr. Swetha.MAssistant ProfessorNatural Products11
Sl.NoName of FacultyTitle of the ProjectJournal NameVolume, Issue, YearIndexing
1Dr.Preethi.GMolten salt synthesis of Nanocrystalline Zn Fe2O4 and its photocatalytic Dye Degradation StudiesMaterials Today Proceedings04 (2017) 11816-11819Scopus
Sl.NoName of FacultyTitle of the ProjectJournal NameVolume, Issue, YearIndexing
1Dr.Preethi.GCubic and Orthorhombic Cd2SNO4 microcystals : Molten salt synthesis , phase evolution and Dye Degradation StudiesMaterial Research Express6 (2019)105537Scopus
Sl.NoName of FacultyTitle of the ProjectJournal NameVolume, Issue, YearIndexing
1Dr. M. Prathap KumarPreparation, Characterization and Visible light Photocatalytic Activity of Rare earth doped Zinc Oxide NanoparticlesIJSRST8, 36-46, 2021NA
2Dr. M. Prathap KumarComparative studies on the effect of photocatalytic degradation of azo and non-azo dyes by core-shell nanomaterialMaterials Today: Proceedings47, 1873-1877, 2021Scopus
3Dr. Preethi.GHydrothermal synthesis of Zn2SnO4/ZnO composite for the degradation of organic pollutant Methylene Blue under UV irradiationMaterials Today: Proceedings47, 4566-4570Scopus
Sl.NoName of FacultyTitle of the ProjectJournal NameVolume, Issue, YearIndexing
1Budigi LokeshA facile route to synthesize n-SnO2/p-CuFe2O4 to rapidly degrade toxic methylene blue dye under natural sunlight.RSC Advances12, 26, 2022Scopus
2Budigi LokeshPhotocatalytic and Antioxidant studies of bioinspired ZrO2 nanoparticles using agriculture waste durva grass aqueous extractsJournal of Hazardous Materials Advances7, –, 2022Not yet indexed
3Budigi LokeshEvaluation of physiochemical parameters of water samples around proposed Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Kovvada, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaMaterials Today: Proceedings62, 8, 2022Scopus
4Budigi LokeshGlowing combustion synthesis, characterization and biomedical properties of Sr-hardystonite (Sr2ZnSi2O7) powders.Ceramics International 48 (2022) 23649-23656.48, 16, 2022Scopus
5Dr. M. Prathap Kumar & Dr.PreethiA facile green synthesis of nickel ferrite nanoparticles using Tamarindus indica seeds for magnetic and photocatalytic studiesNanotechnology for Environmental Engineering, 2022Scopus
6Dr. M. Prathap KumarCobalt oxide nanoparticles based carbon electrode for the detection of residual nitrite in the soil of agricultural fieldsMaterials Research Innovations, 2022Scopus
7Swati LalNrGO wrapped Cu_ZrO2 as a multifunctional light sensitive catalyst for advanced oxidation of Pollutants and CO2 reductionJounal of environmental Chemical Engineering , 2022Scopus
Sl.NoName of FacultyTitle of the ProjectJournal NameVolume, Issue, YearIndexing
1Dr.Preethi.GRole of carbon quantum dots in a strategic approach to prepare pristine Zn2SnO4 and enhance photocatalytic activity under direct sunlightDiamond and Related Materials131, January 2023Scopus
Sl.NoName of Research ScholarName of SupervisorYear of Registration
1Prof. Swati lalDr. Parashuram.L2017