B.E. Mechanical Engineering (ME)

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To create Engineers who will play a pivotal role in making our country self-sufficient by designing indigenous products, we need to provide them with the best, so that they get the right exposure and knowledge to develop their skills and hone their creativity. The campus at MVJCE is fully equipped with all the modern facilities and Labs that are required to shape talented Mechanical Engineers.

Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab

The Finite Element Methods Lab is an integral component of engineering education, offering students practical insights into numerical techniques for solving complex engineering problems. Through hands-on exercises and simulations, students learn to apply finite element analysis (FEA) to model and analyze structural, thermal, and fluid dynamics problems. Utilizing ANSYS Software, students gain proficiency in mesh generation, material property assignment, and boundary condition application. By validating their models against experimental data and industry standards, students develop a deep understanding of FEA’s capabilities and limitations. This lab experience equips students with essential skills for designing and optimizing engineering systems, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and preparing them for careers in fields such as structural engineering, aerospace, and automotive design.

The Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab is a crucial aspect of engineering education, providing students with practical experience in precision measurement techniques and quality control principles. Through hands-on experiments and exercises, students learn to use a variety of measurement tools and instruments, including calipers, micrometers, gauges, and coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). They explore concepts such as accuracy, precision, tolerance, and uncertainty analysis, while also gaining an understanding of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) standards. By conducting measurements on manufactured components and analyzing their dimensional accuracy, students develop essential skills for ensuring product quality and meeting industry standards. This lab experience enhances students’ ability to interpret engineering drawings, perform metrological assessments, and contribute effectively to manufacturing processes across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics.

The Fluid Mechanics Lab is a vital component of mechanical engineering education, focusing on the practical understanding of fluid behavior and properties. In this lab, students conduct experiments to explore concepts such as fluid flow, pressure distribution, buoyancy, viscosity, and flow measurement. Utilizing various equipment like flow meters, viscometers, and turbines, students gain hands-on experience in measuring and analyzing fluid dynamics. This practical exposure complements theoretical knowledge, enhancing students’ problem-solving skills and preparing them for real-world applications in fields such as civil, mechanical, and environmental engineering.

The Machining Science & Operations Lab is an essential part of engineering education, providing students with hands-on experience in material removal processes and machine tool operations. In this lab, students learn about various machining techniques, including turning, milling, drilling, and grinding, using equipment such as lathes, milling machines. They study the principles of cutting mechanics, tool wear, surface finish, and machining efficiency. By performing experiments and practical tasks, students develop a deep understanding of the interactions between cutting tools and workpieces, enhancing their skills in precision manufacturing, process optimization, and quality control, which are critical for careers in manufacturing and mechanical engineering.

The CNC Programming and 3-D Printing Lab serves as a cornerstone in engineering education, offering students a comprehensive understanding of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies. In this lab, students delve into CNC (Computer Numerical Control) programming, learning to write code for automated machining operations using software like Mastercam or Fusion 360. Additionally, they explore the intricacies of additive manufacturing through 3-D printing, gaining practical experience in designing, prototyping, and fabricating complex components layer by layer. By mastering these advanced manufacturing techniques, students acquire valuable skills applicable across industries, including aerospace, automotive, and medical engineering, preparing them for careers at the forefront of innovation and technology.

The Turbo Machines Lab is a pivotal component of engineering education, providing students with hands-on experience in the operation, testing, and analysis of energy conversion equipments. Within this lab, students explore a range of energy conversion equipments, gaining insights into their design, performance characteristics, and efficiency. Through experimental setups and instrumentation, students investigate parameters such as flow rates, pressure differentials, and power outputs, enabling them to comprehend the underlying principles governing energy conversion. This practical exposure equips students with the skills necessary for the design, operation, and maintenance of energy conversion devices in industries such as power generation, aerospace, and oil and gas, facilitating their transition into impactful roles within the field of mechanical engineering.
The Turbo Machines Lab is a pivotal component of engineering education, providing students with hands-on experience in the operation, testing, and analysis of energy conversion equipments. Within this lab, students explore a range of energy conversion equipments, gaining insights into their design, performance characteristics, and efficiency. Through experimental setups and instrumentation, students investigate parameters such as flow rates, pressure differentials, and power outputs, enabling them to comprehend the underlying principles governing energy conversion. This practical exposure equips students with the skills necessary for the design, operation, and maintenance of energy conversion devices in industries such as power generation, aerospace, and oil and gas, facilitating their transition into impactful roles within the field of mechanical engineering.
The Turbo Machines Lab is a pivotal component of engineering education, providing students with hands-on experience in the operation, testing, and analysis of energy conversion equipments. Within this lab, students explore a range of energy conversion equipments, gaining insights into their design, performance characteristics, and efficiency. Through experimental setups and instrumentation, students investigate parameters such as flow rates, pressure differentials, and power outputs, enabling them to comprehend the underlying principles governing energy conversion. This practical exposure equips students with the skills necessary for the design, operation, and maintenance of energy conversion devices in industries such as power generation, aerospace, and oil and gas, facilitating their transition into impactful roles within the field of mechanical engineering.