Lead EDGE – HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

The Department of Management Studies organized a HR Club event entitled “How to Rock an Interview” on 25th July 2023. The club event started at 9:00 am and concluded at 01:30 pm. A total of 105 students participated in the event (both First- and Second-Year MBA).

Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I may remember; involve me, and I learn.

Today’s students are faced with fierce competition in the job market. The Department of Management Studies is committed to ensuring that students are well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing world. LeadEDGE – the HR Club of Management department, organized “How to Rock an Interview”.

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Interview Panel members interviewing Ravishankar

Student Organizers- LeadEDGE HR Club Deeksha, Sinchana, Pritisha, and Hemalatha conducted an Aptitude test and selected 21 candidates for the Group Discussion round. Three teams comprising seven members each presented their group discussions.

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Simulated Interview process for Laxman Raj

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Simulated Interview Process for Harshitha

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Dr. Prakash Rajagopal HOD, Department of Management Studies presented a bouquet to Guest Mr. Franklin Maria

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Mr. Frankin, the guest awarding First Prize to Ravishankar

Lead EDGE - HR Club activity How to Rock an Interview

Mr. Franklin, the guest awarding second prize to Laxman Raj

The participants were assessed based on factors such as Initiation, Clarity on the topic, Effective communication, Positive Body Language, Time Management and Eye Contact. They selected the top 3 performers for the final personal interview round. The interviewers tested the candidates’ motivation, goals, behavioral and competency-based skills, as well as their verbal and nonverbal communication. Ravishankar emerged victorious and bagged the first prize while Lakshman Raj Dhungana earned the runner-up title.

In an address by the chief guest, Mr. Franklin Maria, Senior Director of People and Culture at Scalers, students learned how to create an impactful resume, the importance of LinkedIn, strategies to excel in interviews, and tips for video interviews.

Mr. Franklin Maria awarded certificates to the winners, organizers, and participants. Spoorthy and Samarth served as the Masters of Ceremony

Outcome of the Event

Students gained practical experience in interview preparation and performance, including resume preparation. They found the event both interesting and beneficial and actively participated in the activities.