
College News

The much-awaited PROJECT EXPO LAUNCH-2024, at MVJ college of engineering was a grand success, witnessed by a huge crowd on the day of 21.12.2023. The launch was the strenuous effort of a team under the leadership of Dean Academics, Dr Shrinivas L Gombi. The launch begun with an invocation song by Pranithi from Dhwani club […]

The Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA) is a nationwide campaign initiated by the Government of India to address water scarcity and promote sustainable water management practices. This campaign is particularly crucial for Uttarakhand, a state known for its rich natural water resources but facing challenges of water management due to increasing population, tourism, and climate change. consciousness, prevent soil erosion, and improve water retention through active community and student participation
An awareness program on plantation was conducted in Uttarakhand under the EBSB initiative to promote the importance of afforestation and reforestation. The program aimed to enhance environmental consciousness, prevent soil erosion, and improve water retention through active community and student participation
The meeting began with Dr. Santhosh N, HoD (incharge), Dept of Mechanical Engineering, thanking the esteemed management, Principal, Vice Principal, COE, Registrar, and esteemed members of the Department Advisory Committee (DAC), to the meeting.
3 days Workshop on Health monitoring of Structures
3 days Workshop on “Composite Materials”