Guest Lecture on FEA & Industrial Applications

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, organised guest lecture on FEA & Industrial Applications, on August 4, 2023, at Dr. M V Jayaraman Auditorium from 01.30 PM to 04.00 PM. The resource speaker was Shri Chandan Inamdar, Design Engineer – II, Applied Materials. The seminar was organized for 6th semester ME students, 4th semester AE and AS students. 31 students of 6th sem ME, 59 students of 4th sem AE and 33 students of 4th sem AS participated in the event.

The program was inaugurated by Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi, HoD-ME and Dean (Academics), and Dr. A C Niranjanappa, Professor and Head, Aerospace Engineering, MVJCE participated in the inauguration.

The inauguration followed by welcome speech by Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, and Dean (Academics), MVJCE, addressing the requirement of such programs for students to equip and nurture them to bridge the gap between the industry-academia.

Guest Lecture on FEA & Industrial ApplicationsDr. Shrinivas L Gombi, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, and Dean (Academics), MVJCE inaugurating the event.

Guest Lecture on FEA & Industrial ApplicationsDr. Shrinivas L Gombi, HOD Mechanical Engineering Department, and Dean (Academics), MVJCE welcoming the chief guest for the event.

Guest Lecture on FEA & Industrial ApplicationsDr. A C Niranjanappa Speaking about the importance of FEA for Industrial Applications

The guest lecture was initially started by a brief introduction about relevant mechanical engineering subjects like, Mechanics of Materials, Design of Machine Elements I & II, Finite Element Analysis, Vibration also the importance of FEA. The guest speaker using case studies explained about the FEA analysis of carbon fibre reinforced helmets. And the speaker also motivated the students with last few slides to learn the interdisciplinary subjects.

The guest lecture created an opportunity for students to know more about the sophisticated FEA software for building their career. After the lecture session, students requested the guest speaker to guide them on FEA software and its industrial application.

The guest lecture session was concluded by Dr. Sunil S W, Associate professor, Department Mechanical Engineering, with the vote of thanks.

Outcomes of the Event:

  • Acquire the knowledge about FEA
  • Understanding the importance of FEA in industrial applications
  • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyse and interpret data, and use FEA to correlate the results.
  • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, and safety.
  • To interpret mechanical properties of materials and apply the properties in FEA tool.