M Tech - Artificial Intelligence
and Data Science (AI & DS)

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In order to produce the next generation of skilled engineers who will play a vital role in building our nation’s infrastructure, we need to provide the best technology so that they have the right tools to develop their skills and hone their creativity. MVJCE’s campus is equipped with all the modern facilities and laboratories needed to train talented AI and DS engineers. The labs of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science department prepare students for employment, teaching, or research. In these industry-supported labs, students, across semesters, are encouraged to try out a variety of activities and tests. The college actively invests in the latest software and new learning facilities, as we strongly believe in providing our students with the right tools for designing and building extraordinary solutions.

A list of the Labs in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science department:

Fundamentals of Data Science Laboratory

Fundamentals of Data Science Laboratory

Data science labs are practical sessions where theoretical knowledge of data science is applied to real-world problems using computational tools and techniques. These labs are integral to understanding the hands-on aspects of data science, encompassing data collection, cleaning, analysis, visualization, and interpretation. 

Below are the core elements and concepts typically covered in data science labs:

  • Data Collection and Preprocessing
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Laboratory

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science Laboratory is a practical setting where students and professionals apply AI and data science concepts to solve real-world problems. These labs focus on hands-on experience with data processing, model building, algorithm implementation, and interpretation of results. 

Below are the core components and concepts typically covered in such labs:

  • Introduction to AI and Data Science
  • Data Collection and Preprocessing
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Machine Learning

Deep Learning Laboratory

Deep Learning Labs are specialized sessions focused on the practical aspects of implementing and experimenting with deep learning models. These labs cover a range of topics from basic neural network architectures to advanced techniques in computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. 

Below are the core components and concepts typically covered in deep learning labs:

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Training Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning Frameworks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Database Management and NoSQL Laboratory

Database Management and NoSQL Laboratories are practical sessions that focus on the implementation and management of both relational and non-relational databases. These labs cover a range of topics from basic SQL queries to advanced NoSQL database handling, emphasizing the hands-on experience needed to work with various types of databases efficiently. 

Below are the core components and concepts typically covered in these labs:

  • Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS)
  • Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
  • Advanced SQL
  • NoSQL Databases
  • Database Connectivity and Integration
  • Data Structures Lab
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab
  • Computer Network Lab
  • Database Management Systems Lab
  • System Software & Operating System Lab
  • Computer Graphics Lab
  • Machine Learning Lab
  • IOT Lab
  • AI Lab
  • Web Technology Lab

All these Labs provide hands-on experience to students, to complement the concepts learnt in the classroom, and to help them work out solutions to complex problems.