India’s massive transportation infrastructure push, exceeding $1.3 trillion by 2030 through
the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), is fueling a job market surge for transportation engineers.

B.E. Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

About this Programme
IIoT, powering factory machinery to smart devices, promises immense economic value by 2025. It optimizes operations, enhances safety, and enables predictive maintenance, driving efficiency and productivity. IIoT Engineering equips students with expertise in managing industrial devices, leveraging sensors, wireless communication, and cloud computing for a smarter future.
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Highlights of IIOT programme

Leading the IIoT Revolution: Industry-Centric Education
Delve into MVJCE’s Industrial IoT Engineering program, pioneering the integration of industry practices into academic learning, ensuring graduates are equipped with the skills needed to lead the IIoT revolution.

Crafting Future IoT Innovators: Tailored Curriculum for Industry Demands
Experience a curriculum tailored to meet industry demands, blending electronics and computer science expertise to nurture students into adept Industrial IoT innovators, ready to solve complex challenges in real-world scenarios.

Elevating Education Standards: Endorsed Excellence
Discover MVJCE’s Industrial IoT Engineering program, endorsed by top educational bodies and recognized for its commitment to delivering quality education, setting global standards in IoT technology and engineering.

Empowering with Advanced Facilities: State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Immerse yourself in MVJCE’s cutting-edge infrastructure, featuring modern labs, classrooms, and a sprawling campus environment, fostering a conducive atmosphere for hands-on learning and experimentation in Industrial IoT.

Bridging Academia with Industry: Meaningful Interactions
Engage in meaningful industry interactions at MVJCE, through workshops, seminars, and projects, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring students are well-prepared for the challenges of the IIoT sector.

Cultivating Industry-Ready Professionals: Emphasis on Employability Skills
Experience MVJCE’s emphasis on developing employability skills crucial for success in the dynamic technology industry, ensuring graduates are equipped to thrive in diverse roles within the Industrial IoT domain.

Pathway to Promising Careers: Strong Industry Connections
Unlock promising career opportunities with MVJCE’s strong industry connections and focus on practical skills, paving the way for assured placements and lucrative prospects upon completion of the Industrial IoT Engineering program.

A Sneak Peek Into Your Future

Future Insights: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Engineering offers diverse career paths in sectors like manufacturing, oil and gas, construction, transportation, and smart cities. With its broad applications in predictive maintenance, energy management, and automation, IIoT engineers are in high demand, promising an exciting career for undergraduates.

Placement Opportunities

Graduates from MVJCE in IIoT Engineering are highly sought after by industries like manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare due to the growing demand for IoT professionals. Companies such as Wipro, IBM, and Infosys regularly recruit from MVJCE, showcasing the quality of education and training. With IIoT becoming integral to every sector, career prospects for IIoT engineers are limitless.

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Pioneering IIoT Excellence
The Curriculum

Comprehensive Curriculum

Crafting IoT Proficiency
MVJCE’s 4-year B.E. Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) program equips students with essential IoT skills, preparing them for dynamic roles in connected solutions and enterprise systems. The curriculum, aligned with NEP 2020, offers flexibility and diverse course options for a tailored learning experience.

Tailored Learning Path
B.E – IIOT at MVJCE is designed to meet industry demands, incorporating expert recommendations and fostering a multidisciplinary approach. With a flexible Choice Based Credit system, students explore topics like sensor network design and IoT security, ensuring they graduate as competent and versatile IoT professionals.

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